Department of Media and Communication
AboutThe history of IUB providing a degree in communications goes back into the 1990s. In 1993, a Bachelors
of Social Science program in Development Communication was introduced Under the School of
Communications. This program was IUB’s one of the first five programs with which it started its journey
in 1993. The current Bachelors of Social Science curriculum in Media and Communication was
established in 2008 and Masters of Social Sciences program was introduced in 2010.The Department
also offers a Minor in Media and Communication.
BSS in Development Communication: 1993 to 2001
BSS Media and Development Communication: 2001 to 2007
BSS Media and Communication: 2004 to 2009 (a comprehensive curriculum was followed)
BSS Media and Communication 2007 to present ( introduction of four streams)
MSS in Media and Communication – 2010 till present
Department’s Objective:
• The Department of Media and Communication aspires to become a center of excellence in
teaching-learning and research in Communication Studies in the region in order to contribute to
the sustainable development of the country.
• The Department aims to prepare students as specialized and multi-skilled thinkers and
practitioners who are capable to work in the global and national mediascapes as well as in
various societal contexts.
Why choose CMN?
Despite having many other universities offering similar program, the Department of Media and
Communication at IUB is one of a kind in Bangladesh as it brings together four different streams and
equips students with skills to develop their career in their chosen field by offering a substantial number
of courses in their particular area of study alongside taking courses in media and communication.
It is only natural for any field of study to evolve with time and the key to building and maintaining a
good department is to adapt to changes and keep up-to-date with the academic curriculum and
research in the relevant field.
Program Management:
The Department of Media and Communication is managed under the School of Liberal Arts and Social
Sciences which is headed by the Dean of the School. A Department Head looks after both the
undergraduate and graduate programs. Currently the Department is made up of 2 professors, 3 senior
lecturers, 7 lecturers, 1 office manager and 1 lab manager who are all full-time employees of IUB. The
Department also has access to a pool of adjunct faculties who are professionals in print and online
journalism, filmmakers, advertising content makers, film critics/ experts as well as professionals in policy
making and public services. This is in line with the Department’s intended learning outcome of programs
which is to equip students with both theoretical and practical knowledge in their fields of specialization.