Dr Md Abdul Awal Khan has been contributing in legal education, research and training since 2005. Currently he has been serving as an Associate Professor at the Department of Law, Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB). Before joining IUB, Dr Khan served as an Associate Professor and Chairperson at the Department of Law, Eastern University, Dhaka. He completed his PhD at the School of Law, Western Sydney University, Australia in 2015. After completing his PhD, Dr Khan joined School of Law, Western Sydney University, Australia as a Research Fellow in 2015. He also served as a visiting researcher at the School of Global Studies, University of Gothenburg, Sweden and Department of Social Sciences, University of Rohampton, London, UK as an Erasmus Mundus Visiting Scholar in 2017. He is also involved with the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (RWI), Sweden as a researcher.
Dr Khan obtained LL.B (Honours) and LL.M degree from the University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh. He has published articles in well reputed international journals. His area of expertise includes climate change law and policy, human rights and international law.
International Law, Human Rights, Environmental Law, Climate Change Law and Policy
Jurisprudence, Environmental Law, Constitutional Law, Legal System of Bangladesh
Teaching Experiences
- Associate Professor, Department of Law, Independent University, Bangladesh, January 2018 to current
- Associate Professor, Department of Law, Eastern University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, December 2016 to January 2018
- Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Eastern University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, May 2016 to November 2016
- Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Manarat International University, Dhaka, Bangladesh (2009-2011)
- Assistant Professor, Department of Law, International Islamic University Chittagong, Bangladesh (2009).
- Lecturer, Department of Law, International Islamic University Chittagong, Bangladesh (2005-2009).
- Erasmus Mundus Visiting Scholar, University of Gothenburg, Sweden and University of Roehampton, UK (November 2017- December 2017)
- Tutor, School of Law, Western Sydney University, Australia (2011-2012).
Research Experiences
- Country Lead Researcher, Project title: Protecting Persons Displaced in the Context of Disasters in Asia Pacific: A Human Rights-Based Approach to Law, Policy and Practice in Ten Countries, Project conducting organization: Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Lund, Sweden. Project duration: (2017-2019)
- Visiting Research Fellow, School of Law, Western Sydney University, Australia (December 2015 to January 2017)
- Research Assistant, Indonesia, Australia and ASEAN project, School of Law, Western Sydney University, Australia (since July 2015-December 2015)
- PhD Candidate, School of Law, Western Sydney University, Australia (March 2011-December 2015)
Thesis Supervision
- Supervisor: Higher Degree Research Students (Master of Laws) in International Islamic University Chittagong, Bangladesh in 2008-2009 academic session. Number of theses supervised: 07.
Thesis Examiner
- MPhil Dissertation Title: The Kyoto Protocol 1997 and the later legal developments: The role of the developing countries, Department of Law, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. 2017
Administrative Experiences
- Chairperson, Department of Law, Eastern University, Dhaka (February 2017 to January 2018)
- Head,Department of Law, Manarat International University, Dhaka, Bangladesh (2009-2010)
- Head, Department of Law, International Islamic University Chittagong, Bangladesh (2009)
- Warden, Uthman Hall, International Islamic University Chittagong, Bangladesh. (2006-2009)
Editorial Experiences
- Associate Editor, Universe Publishing Group (UniversePG) since 2019 to till date
- Associate Editor, Climate Change Impacts and Responses Journal, Common Ground Publishing, USA (February 2015 to July 2015)
Other Professional Experiences
- Exam Invigilator, School of Law, Western Sydney University, (2011-2015)
- Student Ambassador, Office of Widening Participation, Western Sydney University (May 2013 to March 2014).
- External Examiner, National University, Gazipur, Bangladesh in 2006.
Professional memberships and additional responsibilities
- Professional Translator (English to Bangla), Accredited by National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI), Australia, 2014 to 2017.
- Student Member, International Law Association, Australia Branch, 2014-2016
- Member, World Commission on Environmental Law (WCEL), The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) since 2013.
- Member, School of Law-Research and Higher Degrees Committee, Western Sydney University, (2012- 2014)
- Associate Member, Postgraduate Research Students, Environment and Sustainability Law Research Cluster, School of Law, Western Sydney University (2012-2015)
- Member, The South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics (SANDEE), Kathmandu, Nepal.
- Advocate, Bangladesh Bar Council, Dhaka, Bangladesh (2004-current)
Peer Reviewed Publications
- Protecting Displaced Persons in the Context of Natural Disaster (Flood) in Bangladesh: A Human Rights Based Approach to Law, Policy and practice in Bangladesh’in ‘Protecting Persons Displaced in the Context of Disasters in Asia Pacific: A Human Rights-Based Approach to Law, Policy and Practice in Ten Countries.’ (to be published by Routledge in 2019).
- Social and Legal Barriers to Improving Human Rights of Climate Change Displaced People in Bangladesh, TheJournal of Interrupted Studies, 2019, vol 2(2019) Issue 1.
- Legal Framework for Human Rights Protection of the Climate Change Displaced People (CDP): Bangladesh Perspective.Encyclopaedia of Human Rights and the Environment: Indivisibility, Dignity and Legality (Edward Elgar, 2018).
- Development of International Climate Change Regime: The Role of International Community in Responding to Climate Change and Displacement.Amity Law Journal, Vol 1, No 2, December 2016
- Climate Change Vulnerabilities- Legal Status of the Displaced People. Published in the Environmental Policy and Law, IOS Press, The Netherlands, Vol-44, No 3, July 2014.
- Climate-Change-Related Human Rights Violations. Environmental Policy and Law, IOS Press, The Netherlands, Vol-43, Number 2/2013. (with Daud Hassan)
- Right to Life and Abortion: A Study on the Legal Controversy of the Status of the Unborn Child in International human Rights Law. Indian Journal of International Law, Vol 51, No 3, July- September 2011. (withDaud Hassan).
- Justice under Judicial Review Power of the Court: A Comparative Study on Selected Countries. Published in the Rajshahi University Law Journal, Rajshahi, Bangladesh. 2009 vol-6. ISSN: 1991-8976
- Blasphemy and Criminality: An Islamic Perspective; Special Reference to Bangladesh. Rajshahi University Law Journal, Rajshahi, Bangladesh. 2008 vol-5. ISSN: 1991-8976
- The Need of Uniform Islamic Constitution for the Muslim Ummah: A Study of Islamic Provisions on the Constitution of Selected Countries, International Islamic University Chittagong (IIUC) Studies-3, December 2006. ISSN: 1813-7733
Book Review
- The EU, the US and Global Climate Governance Edited by Christine Bakker and Francesco Francioni. Yearbook of International and Environmental Law, Oxford University Press, vol 25, Issue 1, 2014
- Legal Regimes for Environmental Protection: Governance for Climate Change and Ocean Resources, Edited by Hans-Joachim Koch; Doris König and Joachim Sanden. Yearbook of International and Environmental Law, vol-26, 2015, Oxford University Press.
Seminar/ Conference/Workshop
- ‘Workshop on Research Methodology’ invited and organized by the Faculty of Law, International Islamic University Chittagong on 30 April 2019acted as a Resource Person.
- Law and Policy Framework for the Protection of the ‘Victims of Disaster’ in Bangladesh: A Study on Fulchori Union of Gaibandha District, paper presented at the 5th Gobeshona International Conference, 2019, held on 8-11 January 2019, Independent University, Bangladesh.
- Keynote Speech: Climate Change, Human Rights and Displacement: Background and Key Issues, Narotama University, Surabaya, Indonesia 22 December 2018.
- Disaster Displacement Workshop, hosted by Chularongkorn University, Bangkok, 28-29 November 2018
- Disaster Displacement in Asia Pacific: Authors’ Workshop, hosted by Ateneo University, Manila, The Philippines, held on 4-5 July 2018.
- Workshop on ‘Protecting Persons Displaced in the Context of Disasters in Asia Pacific: A Human Rights-Based Approach to Law, Policy and Practice in Ten Countries, Project Hosted by Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Sweden. Held on 14-15 December 2017, Jakarta, Indonesia.
- Guest Lecture on ‘Climate Change and Disaster Displacement: Developing Country Perspective’, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Roehampton, London, UK 28 November 2017
- The Need of a Comprehensive Legal Framework for Human Rights Protection of the Climate Change Displaced People (CDP): Bangladesh Perspective. School of Global Studies, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 16 November 2017
- Climate Change Induced Displacement and United Nations (UN) Protection Regime: An Analysis, paper presented at the Young Scholars Workshop 2017, held on 1-2 February 2017, organized by the Faculty of Legal Studies at South Asian University, New Delhi, India.
- ‘Barriers to Improving Human Rights of the Climate Change Displaced People in Bangladesh.’ Paper presented at the ‘The 7th Annual Postgraduate Conference hosted by the School of Humanities and Communication Arts, Western Sydney University, on 15 July-16 July 2015.
- ‘The Role of International Community in Responding to Human Rights Protection of the Climate Change Displaced People: A Study on the Principles of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.’ Paper presented at the School of Law Postgraduate Colloquium, Western Sydney University, Parramatta Campus, 6 November 2014.
- ‘Violation of Right to Life due to Climate Change and Human-made Incidents: Bangladesh Perspective. Paper presented at the ‘4th Interdisciplinary Seminar, Organized by ‘Bangladesh Studies Circle’ at Parramatta Campus, Western Sydney University, 6 June 2014.
- Climate Change Induced Displacement and National Peace, Security and Stability: Experience from Bangladesh. Paper presented in ‘2013 Postgraduate Conference: Stability and Transformation’, Sydney Law School, The University of Sydney, 31October-1 November 2013.
- ‘Impact of Climate Change on Human Rights of the Displaced People: Bangladesh Perspective. Paper presented at the School of Law Postgraduate Colloquium, Western Sydney University, Parramatta Campus, 7 November 2013.
- Climate Change and Its Impact on Human Rights: A Study on the Displaced People in Bangladesh. Paper Presented in the ‘School of Law Research Seminar Series’, Western Sydney University, 3 April 2013 at Parramatta Campus.
- Impact of Climate Change on Right to Housing: An Approach on Minimum Core Obligation and Progressive Realization. Paper presented in ‘Second International Conference on Climate Change and Social Issues (CCSI 2012), held on 28-29 November 2012, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- International Legal Obligation for the Protection of Fundamental Human Rights Violations due to Climate Change, Paper presented at the ‘2011 Sydney Law School Postgraduate Conference’ 27-28 October 2011, The University of Sydney.
Conference/Seminar Participations
- Anti-corruption, Climate and Human Rights, Swedish Forum for Human Rights, held on 9-11 November 2017, Jonkoping, Sweden.
- Climate Summit 2012: Beyond the Carbon Price, April 27-29, Western Sydney University, Parramatta Campus.
- Academia A Scholarly Life Conference, held on 21-22 July 2011, Western Sydney University, Parramatta Campus.
- Teaching Seminar on ‘Child Rights.’ Organized by UNICEF and Department of Law, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, held on 03-04 November 2009.
- Teaching Seminar on ‘Child Rights.’ Organized by UNICEF and Department of Law, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh held on 23-24 November 2008.
- Teaching Seminar on ‘Legal Responses to Terrorism’, organized by Department of Law, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, held on 29-30 July 2008.
- International Seminar on ‘Islamic Law and Its Application in the Contemporary Society’- organized by Islamic Law Research Council and Legal Aid Bangladesh and Bangladesh Institute of Islamic Thought., 11-12 January 2008, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Certificate Course
- Social Engagement and Leadership Program (SELP), Western Sydney University, 8 April 2015- 4 June 2015.
- Online Course on ‘Pathways to Climate Change Adaptation: The Case of Small Island Developing States. Jointly launched by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the University of Geneva (UNIGE) in collaboration with the joint UNDP/UNEP National Adaptation Planning Global Support Programme (NAP-GSP). 26 January 2015-28 February 2015.
- Blended Learning Programme on ‘Science and Policy of Climate Change.’ Jointly developed by The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), India and the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), Japan in collaboration with the World Bank Tokyo Development Learning Centre (TDLC). 13 September 2013- 16 December 2013.
Professional Training
- Training course on Teaching for Active Learning, organized by Foundation for Learning Teaching and Research held on 5 to 7 January, 2017 at Green University Campus, Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Stakeholder Workshop and Training ‘Responding to Climate Change’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Working Group II- Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Held on 30 April 2014, Royal Society of New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand.
- National Training on ‘Curriculum Reform’ organized by Bangladesh Institute of Islamic Thought and International Islamic University Chittagong, 7-8 November 2008, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Professional Legal Training Program, Legal Education and Training Institute (LETI), Bangladesh Bar Council, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 8 July to 8 September 2004.
Scholarships and Prizes
- Winner, School of Law, Western Sydney University, 3MT (3 Minutes) Thesis Competition held on 4 June 2013.
- Second Prize, School of Law, Western Sydney University, 3MT (3 Minutes) Thesis Competition held on June 2012.
- Western Sydney University International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (UWS IPRS) awarded in 2011 for PhD study.
- Research Grant awarded by the Ministry of Planning, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh in 2009.
- Academic Merit Scholarship by the University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh in 2003.
- Merit Scholarship in primary and secondary school level