Dr. Md. Shanawez Hossain

Assistant Professor



  • Name:
    Dr. Md. Shanawez Hossain
  • Email: shanawez@iub.edu.bd

Dr. Md. Shanawez Hossain is an Assistant Professor of Global Studies & Governance (GSG) under the School of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences (SLASS), IUB since February 2021. Before that he was an Assistant Professor & Research Fellow at the Brac Institute of Governance and Development (BIGD) Brac University and from 2015 to January 2021. And besides teaching in Masters in Development Studies (MDS) and Masters in Governance and Development (MAGD) program as the Head he led the research of the Urban Climate Change & Environment Cluster. He was involved with number of research projects related to governance, development, social accountability, poverty etc. funded by SDC, Cities Alliances, UNDP, IDRC, World Bank and DFID.  He was also Director of the Executive Development Center (EDC) and led Executive Development Programs of the institute. Previously he has held research, teaching and consultancy positions at Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI), Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOF) Japan, Waseda University, Japan and various non-government organizations.

Dr. Hossain was a Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho) Scholar to pursue PhD with major in ‘International Development and Policy Studies’ and Japanese Grant Aid for Human Resources (JDS) Fellow for his M.A degree in ‘International Relations’, both from Waseda University, Japan. He also has post-graduate degree and training in Climate, Energy and Food Security and Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs from United Nations University (UNU). He has also completed the Building Capacity to Use Research Evidence (BCURE) International Training of Trainers course hosted by Evidence for Policy Design (EPoD) at the Harvard Kennedy School and completed training on research methodology from University of Berkley, California.

Dr. Hossain’s teaching and research broadly focuses in the areas of socio-economic development and policy studies- particularly, governance and sustainable development; globalization and global poverty; conflict resolution and peace-building; human rights; political economy; regional integration and international organizations; research methodology; environment, climate change and resource governance; urban and rural development and education development in developing countries. He has presented research papers in several international conferences and has publications in reputed journals.


Education & Training