Prof. Dr. Imtiaz A Hussain




  • Name:
    Prof. Dr. Imtiaz A Hussain
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  • Phone: 8431645 - 53 ext: 2490

As Professor (Philadelphia University/Universidad Iberoamericana), Imtiaz Hussain created/taught wide-ranging International Relations courses, while opening the Global Studies & Governance Program in Independent University, Bangladesh. His 20-odd books include South Asia in Global Power Rivalry (Springer, 2019), North American Regionalism (Palgrave 2015), Evaluating NAFTA (Palgrave, 2013), Border Governance and the ‘Unruly’ South (Palgrave 2013), and Afghanistan-Iraq and Post-conflict Governance (Brill 2010); with articles in South Asian Journal (2018), Encyclopedia of U.S.-Latin American Relations (2012), Handbook of Global Security and Intelligence (2008), South Asian Survey (2008), Politics & Policy (2008), Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (2006), & Norteamérica (2006); and regularly for newspapers, like Dhaka’s Daily Star (“Kautilyan Kronicles” column) and Financial Express (“Scopus” column). After his Political Science PhD (University of Pennsylvania, 1989), he received several fellowships/teaching awards in/from Canada, Mexico, and the United States.

Invitation to South/Southeast Asian Conference on “Best Practices in Developing and Managing Public

Private Partnerships For Transportation Infrastructure.” Phnom Penh, Cambodia. March 10-14, 2018. U.S. Department of Transportation, Washington D.C., & U.S. Embassy, Dhaka.

Merit awarded by Universidad Iberoamericana’s Academic Council (2011).

Top Social Science Productivity Prize, 2011, 2009: Department of Investigation, Universidad


Teaching awards (six), given to highest score in semester-based teaching evaluations, Universidad de las

Américas (UDLA), Mexico City, Fall 2009, Spring 2008, Fall 2008, Spring 2000, Fall 1998, & Spring 1999.

Fellowships, Canada-Latin America-Caribbean (CLACA)  program of International Council for

Canadian Studies (ICCS): in 2011 to study cocaine trafficking and Canadian counter-measures, in 2004 to examine Canada’s free-trade agreements in Central America (produced two books).

Fellowships, CONACYT, Mexico’s National Council of Science and Technology, in 2010-13 to study

Mexico’s economy during the 15-years of NAFTA (2010-12); and in 2003-5 for a comparative research on Central American/Mexican indigenous responses to globalization (produced a book).

Fellowships, Programa interinstitucional sobre Estudios la región del América de Norte (PIERAN),

administered by El Colegio de México, in 2010-12 on NAFTA’s 15-year performances (coauthored book as outcome with colleagues from Suffolk University and Université de Québec a Montréal); and 2004-7 on Canadian and Mexican responses to US Homeland Security Department  (produced a co-authored book with colleagues from Villanova and Simon Fraser universities).

Fellowship, North American Research Linkages (NARL), July 2009: From Canadian government, for a

“Border governance” (to produce a book with experts from Canada, Mexico, and the United States).

Expenses-paid invitation by German Historical Institute, Paris (May 25-6, 2009), to present paper on

European Union’s Common Agricultural Policy; and Vanderbilt University (September 2004), to  present paper in Atlantic Community Unraveling conference.

Fellowship, Department of Investigation (DINV),2008-11,Universidad Iberoamericana (produced a

co-authored book on NAFTA’s 15-year performances).

Faculty Research Program (FRP) fellowships from International Council for Canadian Studies (ICCS),

2008, 2003, to complete various research in Canada.

Fellowships, Canadian Conference Grant Program, Department of Foreign Affairs (one for Spring 2008,

another for Fall 2008): financed April 7-8, 2008 and October 27-9, 2008 conferences on NAFTA’s 15-year performances at Universidad Iberoamericana.

Fellowship, Fomento de Investigación y Cultura Superior, AC (FICSAC), 2006, Universidad

Iberoamericana, for a NAFTA conference, April 2006, Universidad Iberoamericana, producing an edited book in 2008.

Faculty Enhancement Program (FEP) fellowship from International Council for Canadian Studies (ICCS),

To research on Canadian foreign policy, May-June 2004.

Funding to attend the Indian Association of Canadian Studies (IACS) convention in Mysore, India, January

2003, from both IACS and International Council for Canadian Studies (ICCS).

Funding to attend the Western Summer Seminar, sponsored by the International Council for Canadian

Studies (ICCS), at Faculté Saint-Jean, University of Alberta, Edmonton, August 2002.

Fellowship, Robarts Centre for Canadian Studies Summer Institute, (2001): One of 20 fellows selected

from the continent to examine the April 2001 Québec Summit of the Americas.

Member, Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (SNI), Level II: Mexico’s pre-eminent professional


Fellowship from CONACYT, as part of a group, (1996-99): Wrote one chapter in resultant book (2000).

North American Fellow, Centro de Investigación y Docencia de Económicas (CIDE), Division

of International Studies, Mexico City (1994-96): NAFTA Chapter 19 dispute settlement.

Faculty Development grants: Philadelphia University (1992-93); Ripon College  (1989).

Dean’s Teaching Award, University of Pennsylvania (1987): one of 15 from 500+ TAs in that year.

Grants for research at Truman Library (1987); National Archives (1988).

Acting Dean, School of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences (SLASS), Independent University, Bangladesh

(2019- ): Appointment made in May, in conjunction with the professor position described below.

Professor,  Global Studies & Governance Program, Independent University of Bangladesh (2016- ):

Created (2014-6) and began a new program at Bachelor’s level (Spring 2017)

Universidad Iberoamericana (UIA), Mexico City (1998-2013): Professor Emeritus of International Studies.

University of Pennsylvania, International Relations Program (2007): Visiting Professor

Universidad de las Américas, Puebla (UDLAP), (2007- ): Adjunct Professor, North America Master’s


Visiting Fellow, Christopher Browne Center of Politics, University of Pennsylvania (2006-07).

Universidad de las Américas (UDLA), Mexico City (1998- ):Visiting Professor, International Negotiations.

Centro de Investigación y Docencia de Económicas (CIDE), Mexico City (1994-1998): NAFTA

Researcher & Professor of International Relations Theory and IPE

Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City: Visiting Professor of U.S. Foreign Policy, and I.R. Theory


Philadelphia University, Assistant Professor of Political Economy (1990-94): Taught Introduction to

Political Science, International Relations, International Political Economy, *Modernization, *Post-industrial Society, *Cities & People (modern world history), Russian History; and conducted the Senior Honors Seminar. Created/Piloted cross-cultural, interdisciplinary social science courses (those asterisked).

Ripon College, Wisconsin, Visiting Assistant Professor (1989-90): Taught International Relations at both

levels, Europe in Transition, Political Systems and Ideas, U.S. Foreign Policy, and IPE.

University of Pennsylvania (1984-89): Teaching Assistant for International Politics, American

Government, and US Foreign Policy; taught IPE (1987); Advisor International Relations Program (1988-89): reformulated program, enhanced enrollment, conducted senior seminars.

Wesley College, Dover, Delaware (Spring 1989): Politics of Developing Countries; and Politics of Trade.

Stockton State University, Pomona, NJ (Spring 1989): International Relations; and U.S. Foreign Policy.

Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA (Spring 1988): International Relations.

Ohio University, Athens, OH (1981-83): Teaching Assistant, European history; U.S. history.

Introduction to Global Studies & Governance; Introduction to Governance: introductory courses of a self

created, brand new undergraduate program, Global Studies & Governance (GSG), Independent University, Bangladesh, 2017.

Regional and International Organizations: Part of the GSG Program

Culture, Governance, and Soft Power: Part of the GSG Program

Global Culture and International Communications: Part of the GSG Program

North American Foreign Policy; North American Political Economy; North American Integration: Subject

materials of three different countries (and three different courses) under a regional format.

Islam and International Relations (Spring 2007, IR Program, University of Pennsylvania)

Culture and International Relations: Inter-culturalism, multi-culturalism, case studies conflicts and


Introduction to International Relations: Cold War and post-Cold War power distribution, systems,

sovereign rights, levels of analysis, imperialism, development, theoretical insights empirically applied

Advanced International Relations: Neo-realism and neo-liberalism, constructivists versus system theorists,

Hegemonic stability theory, game theory, integration versus interdependence, IPE fundamentals

International Political Economy: Classical philosophies and ideologies, various types of capitalism,

domestic-international theories, trade and monetary policies/institutions, imperialism, corporations

International Organization—I: Study of mainstream political and military institutions at international level

(UN) and regional (OAS, NATO), theoretical and methodological contexts

International Organization—II: Study of mainstream economic institutions at international level (GATT/

WTO, IMF/IBRD, UNCLOS, UNCED), theoretical and methodological contexts

International Negotiations—I: Theories addressing political and military negotiations, with international

and regional case studies; instincts behind conflicts; methods of conflict resolution

International Negotiations—II: Theories addressing economic negotiations, with international and regional

case studies; country negotiating styles

International Organizations and Dispute Settlement: Theories of international organization, debate between

international law and IR, types of war, dispute settlement (ICJ, ICSID/UNCITRAL/ECJ, NAFTA)

Comparative Politics of Industrialized Countries: Cross-country institutional development in W.

Europe, N. America, Japan; responses to security threat; relationship with economic orientations

Comparative Politics of Developing Countries: Cross-country institutional development (South Asia,

Middle East, Latin America); democratization and economic development in theoretical perspective

Advanced International Management (graduate level): Sources, cycles, and constraints of competitiveness;

institutionalized control efforts at national,  regional, and  multilateral levels

Cities and People: Urban migration and urban culture as historical means towards development, with

selected case studies of metropolitans across the contemporary world

Modernization: Comparative study of the transformation from agricultural to manufacturing society in

various countries; mass production-based technological breakthroughs

Post-industrial Society: Comparative study of the transformation from manufacturing to service society in

various countries; information-based technological breakthroughs

Political Philosophy/Political Theory: Classical, Medieval, Enlightenment, and Modern philosophers

US Foreign Policy: Cold War and containment; post-Cold War New World Order; empirical and


Superpower Rivalry/Strategic Studies: Containment and regional security arrangements; N.A.T.O. versus

Warsaw Pact; race in space; nuclear and conventional arms race at tactical and strategic levels

US Economy: Transformations from agrarian to manufacturing society, then to service economy; trade

Debates & policy orientations; Federal Reserve; labor movements; depression; 1980s        restructuration

American Government:  Institution development since Constitution, including political parties, interest

groups, federalism, state-federal relations, inter-branch rivalry

Regional Integration in North America: Study of origins and performances of free trade agreements,

extraneous constraints such as drug trafficking and immigration, plurilateral efforts (FTAA, APEC)

Regional Integration in West Europe: Theoretical evolution (federalism, neofunctionalism, inter-

governmentalism, supranationalism), evolution of policies, institutions, membership

Regional Integration in Latin America: Theoretical evolution (neofunctionalism, dependency,

interdependency); early attempts (LAFTA),  recent (MERCOSUR, FTAA, NAFTA)

Regional Integration in Southeast Asia: Origins and performances of ASEAN, shift to AFTA, political

context, cultural influences, economic performances, theoretical fittings, future prospects

Modern History of West Europe: From Westphalia through Congress of Vienna to the two world wars,

emphasizing balance of power politics, ideological, industrial, imperial developments

Modern History of  Russia/Soviet History: From Peter the Great’s conquest through Alexander II’s role in

European balance of power system, modernization, revolutions, war, and communism

Modern History of United States: From independence through western movement to world power status;

great trade debate of 1820s, Manifest Destiny, Civil War, progressivism, war, industrialization

“Globalization, localization, & the 1990s: ‘Liberal hour’ knocking on Mexico’s door.” Local-Global

Tradeoffs, Order-Disorder Consequences: ‘State’ No More An Island. Edited. London: Palgrave Macmillan. 2022. Co-author Galia Rosemberg.

Local-Global Tradeoffs, Order-Disorder Consequences: ‘State’ No More An Island. London: Palgrave

Macmillan. Editor. 12 Chapters, 2022.

“Rohingya Refugee-camp Innovations: Reinvigorating Humanitarianism.” Rohingya Camp Narratives:

Tales from the “Lesser Roads” Traveled. Editor. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2022. Chapter 11.

Rohingya Camp Narratives: Tales from the “Lesser Roads” Traveled. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2022.

Edited volume. 14 chapters.

“21st Century International Relations: Deepening or diversifying?” Journal of International Relations

14, no.1 (2020): 15-36.

South Asia in Global Power Rivalry: Inside-out Appraisals from Bangladesh. Singapore: Springer, 2019.

Edited volume.

“Kazi Nazrul Islam, Awami League and Bangabandhu: Poetry in the Pillars.” Kazi Nazrul Islam: Poetry,

Politics, Passion. Ed., Niaz Zaman. Dhaka:, 2019.

“Bangladesh’s 11th parliamentary election: Citizen expectations, external interests, & evolving dynamics.”

South Asian Journal, Issue 26 (Fall 2018): Special Issue on Bangladesh.

Transatlantic Transactions: Back to a Global Future? Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. Book.

“Shakespeare and International Relations: England’s unsung Machiavelli.” Age Cannot Wither Him:

Shakespeare Four Hundred Years After. Eds., Niaz Zaman & Razia Sultana Khan. Dhaka: Independent University, Bangladesh, 2018: 80-109.

“Best Practices in Developing and Managing Public-Private Partnerships for Transportation Infrastructure:

Bangladesh’s Case.” Power-point presentation in a conference organized by U.S. Department of Transportation. Phnom Penh, Cambodia. March 2018.

“Seaport development and connectivity quandary: Digital Bangladesh as a gatekeeper.”  Building Blocks of

Tomorrow: The Daily Star 26th Anniversary Publication. Dhaka: Daily Star, 2017.

“Trans-Pacific Partnership: Theory and practice,” Mexico y Estados Unidos en el TPP, teoria y practica.

Eds., Gustavo Acua, Selene Bautista, Mexico, DF: LAES Publishers, 2016. Chapter 1.  In Spanish.

North American Regionalism and Global Spread. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. Coauthored

with Roberto Dominguez. Book.

“E.U.’s Association Agreements & Central America: No milk until the cows come home.” International

Relations & Diplomacy, issue 12 (December 2014).

“NAFTA & trade: Embedded problems.” Merkatura 3, no. 2 (May-August 2014): 1-29.

“Mexico at bay? Corrupt crossroads.” Cómo disminuir la corrupción y mejorar la gobernabilidad en países

de desarrollo, 41-52. Tópicos Selectos de Recursos, ECORFAN. Sucre, Bolivia, 2014.

“El elitismo post-electoral:¿Una séptima transición estadounidense? ¿Cómo se Gobierna América del

Norte?” [Post-electoral elitism: A seventh U.S. transition?”] Estrategias, instituciones y politícas públicas [Strategies, Institutions, & Public Policies]. Eds., Matilde Luna Ledesma, and Alejandra Salas-Porras. Mexico City: Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México, 2013, 33-52.

“U.S. elections: From melting pot to multiculturalism in the United States.” Voices of Mexico, Issue # 96

(Spring-Summer, 2013): 114-8.

“Las promesas del TLAC: México y las nueva fronteras del comercio.” [NAFTA promises: Mexico and the

new commercial frontiers.] Merkatura 1, no. 1 (January-April

2013): 20-50.

North America’s Soft Security Threats and Multilateral Governance: Theory and Practice. Edited with

Jorge Schiavon. New York, NY: Palgrave. 2013. Book.

Border Governance & the “Unruly” South: Theory & Practice. Edited volume. New York, NY: Palgrave,

  1. Book.

“Europe after the Greek default: Widening, deepening, or splitting?” The EU and the Eurozone Crisis:

Policy Challenges and Strategic Choices. Eds., Finn Laursen. Ashgate, 2013. Chapter.

“Libya, revolution, and the theoretical impossibilities: Back to a praetorian future?” IR Theories and Libya.

Ed. Jessica Lillian De Alba Ulloa. Mexico, DF: Universidad Anahuac, 2013, 397-426 (ch. 9).

“NAFTA’s institutional overhang of opportunity costs, overloads, and obsolescence.” América Latina en el

marco del Siglo XXI: Avances y Retrocesos. Ed., Pedro Manuel Rodríguez Suárez. University of Gutemburg and Universidad Iberoamericana, Puebla, 2013. Chapter.

“El colapso bancario: ¿fiebre Mexicana producida por la tos financier de España?” Después de Santiago:

Integración Regional y Relaciones Unión Europea-América Latina. Ed., Joaquín Roy. Miami, FL: Jean Monnet Chair/University of Miami Press, 2013. Chapter 7 (pp. 75-88).

“Cranking up the volume so Asia can hear.” Voices of Mexico, Issue 93 (Spring-Summer 2012): 34-40.

“¿Está el ocaso al este? La política norteamericana en la encrucijada asiática” [Sun rising in the east? U.S.

trade policies at Asian crossroads”]. Diez Naciones en Busca de Liderazgo [Ten Countries Seeking Leadership]. Eds., Francisco Javier Haro Navejas and Alfredo Roman Zavala. Mexico, DF: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana & Miguel Ángel Porrua, 2012. Chapter 10.

Re-evaluating NAFTA: Theory and Practice. New York, NY: Palgrave, 2012. Book.

“CABEI: The Central American Bank for Economic Integration.” Encyclopedia of U.S.-Latin American

Relations, vol. 1, 152-3. Ed., Thomas M. Leonard. Los Angeles, CA: SAGE & CQ Press, 2012.

“From liberalism and democratization to trafficking: America’s emerging ghost.” Transnational, Gender,

and Rights. Ed., Ragnhild Sollund London: Emerald, 2012.

“Arizona’s SB1070, copycat bills, and constitutional conundrums: Costly collisions?” FIU Law Review 6,

  1. 2(2011): 201-30.

“Canada’s election, North America, and Mexico: Breaking the circle?” Voices of Mexico, no. 91 (Autumn

2011): 33-7. With Jorge Schiavon.

“The Shanghai Framework and Central Asia: Chop-suey governance?” The Security Governance of

Regional Organizations. Eds., Emil Kirchner and Roberto Dominguez. London: Routledge, 2011, ch. 10.

“The sun rising twice? Spain in 21st Century Latin America.” Spain in the European Union: The First

Twenty-five Years (1986-2011). Eds., Joaquín Roy and María Lorca-Susino.  Miami, FL: Jean Monnet Chair, University of Miami, 2011: ch. 17.

“Nationalistic policies, immigration, and policy boomerangs: ‘Three strikes and you could be in.” National

Solutions to Trans-Border Problems: The Governance of Security and Risk in a post-NAFTA North America. Ed., Isidro Morales. Farnham, Surrey, England: Ashgate, 2011: ch. 11.

“Homeland security and the return to North American bilateralism: A research synthesis.” Senderos de

Integración silenciosa en América del Norte. Coords., Aguilar Barajas, Noé Arón Fuentes, Román López Villicaña, Jorge Schiavon Uriegas, Blanca Torres Ramírez, y José Luís Valdés Ugalde (México City: UNAM, 2010), chapter 1.

The Impacts of NAFTA on North America: Challenges Outside the Box. New York, NY: Palgrave, 2010.

An edited book, with 13 chapters.

Afghanistan, Iraq, & Post-Conflict Governance: Damoclean Democracy? Leiden, Netherlands: Brill

Publisher,2010. Solo-authored book.

North America at the Crossroads: N.A.F.T.A. After 15 Years. Mexico, DF: Universidad Iberoamericana,

2009: Editor of volume with 17 chapters.

“N.A.F.T.A., agriculture, & Mexico: As tears go by.” North America at the Crossroads: N.A.F.T.A. After

15 Years. Ed., Imtiaz Hussain. Mexico, DF: Universidad Iberoamericana, 2009, 31-68: Chapter 2.

“Post-9/11 Canada-U.S. security integration: Of butchers, bakers, and intelligence policy-makers.”

American Review of Canadian Studies 39, no. 1 (March2009):38-51.

“A Mexico-U.S. security community? Intelligence without policy, policy without intelligence.”

International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence 22, no. 1 (Spring 2009):31-49.

North American Homeland Security: Back to Bilateralism? Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers, 2008. Book

written with Satya Pattnayak and Anil Hira.

“Los matrimonies sin arregular: El comercio, el desarrollo y los acuerdos del siglo XXI.” Desarrollo

Regional: Estrategias y Oportunidades. Coords., Alejandra Salas-Porras y Carlos Uscanga. México, DF: Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, Universidad Nacional de México y Gernika, 2008, 167-213.

“Mexico.” Handbook of Global Security and Intelligence: National Approaches, vol. 1: “The Americas and

Asia.” Eds., Stuart Farson, Peter Gill, Mark Phythian, & Shlomo Shpiro. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2008, vol. 1:67-92. Chapter in book.

“Explaining post-9/11 North American regionalism: Of clutter, constraints, and chaos.” Politics & Policy

36, no.1 (Spring 2008):108-31.

“NGOs and NAFTA’s dispute settlement: in through the front door.” Community, Diffusion, and North

American Expansiveness: The Political Economy of Flux. Ed., Imtiaz Hussain, 319-363. Mexico,

DF: Universidad Iberoamericana, 2008. Chapter in book.

Community, Diffusion, and North American Expansiveness: The Political Economy of Flux. Mexico,

DF: Universidad Iberoamericana, 2008. Edited volume.

“Fundamentalism and Bangladesh: no error, no terror.” South Asian Survey 14:2 (July-December2007):


“Encuentros cercanos del tercer tipo: El regionalismo después del CAFTA.” Process de Integración en las

Américas. [“Close encounters of the third kind: Regionalism after CAFTA.” Integration  in the

Americas.] Eds., Monica Gambrill and Pablo Ruiz Napoles, 111-49. Mexico, DF: CISAN-UNAM, 2006.

“Asia’s post-9/11 Muslim minorities: Endangered species?” Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh

51, no. 2 (December2006):311-48.

“Dustbin democracy? Central America’s unholy developmental trinity.” National and Human Security

Issues in Latin America: Democracies at Risk. Eds., Satya Pattnayak and Lowell Gustafson. New York, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 2006, 131-56.

Globalization, Indigenous Groups, and Mexico’s Panama-Puebla Plan: Marriage or Miscarriage? New

York, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 2006. Book.

Running on Empty in Central America? Canadian, Mexican, and US Integrative Experiences. Lanham,

MD: University Press of America, 2006. Book.

“North American political integration: Exploring the unknown.” Norteamérica 1, no. 1 (January-June


“Innovative conservatism? Twenty-first CenturyAsia in comparative contexts.” Journal of the Asiatic

Society Of Bangladesh, Golden Jubilee 1956-2005 issue, vol. 50,  nos. 1-2(2005): 455-84.

“Knocking on Mexico’s doors: Central America’s unholy trinity.” Dialogo Iberoamericano, no. 2 (August-

December 2005):14-18.

“Salteados entre la sarten y el fuego: Kurdos reconstructivistas y deconstructivistas.” Diversidad en el

Mundo: Multidentidades del siglo XXI. Ed., Francisco Javier Haro Navejas (Mexico City: Universidad Anáhuac, México Sur & Miguel Angel Porrua, 2005), 77-103. In English: “Tossing and turning: Kurds between the frying pan and fire.” Global Diversity: Multi-identities in the Twentieth Century.

By Other Means, For Other Ends: Bush’s Re-Election Reassessed. Co-edited with José Luis Valdés

Ugalde. Mexico, DF: Universidad Iberoamericana, 2005. Book.

“Spark, wildfire, & Mexico’s dilemma: North American or international relations?” Dialogo

Iberoamericano no. 1 (January-May 2005):6-9. Article.

“Mexican emigration, Canadian immigration, North American regional interpretations.” Journal of

International Migration and Integration 6, no. 1 (Winter 2005):81-92. Article.

“After Cancun:G21, WTO, and multilateralism.” Journal of International and Area Studies11, no. 2

(December 2004):1-16. Article.

Tyranny of Soft Touches: Interculturalism, Multiculturalism, and 21st Century International Relations.

Mexico City: Universidad Iberoamericana, 2004. Book.

“Democratizing Afghanistan & Iraq: Paper tiger, clay pigeon, & military surveillance.” Bologña Center

Journal of International Affairs, vol. 7(Spring 2004):9-21. Article.

“Of mountains, molehills, and mirages: Canadian and Mexican Central American pursuits.”Revista

Mexicana de Estudios Canadienses (June 2004):149-61. Article.

“Doggone diplomacy? The Iraq war, North American bilateralism, and beyond.” Canada and the New

American Empire: War and Anti-war. Ed., George Melnyk. Calgary, AL: University of Calgary Press, 2004, 213-29. Chapter.

“¿Nuevas ropas para el emperador? El TLCCA-EU y lo que nos espera.” [“Emperor in new clothes: The

United States, CAFTA, and implications.”] Perfiles Latinoamericanos, vol. 23 (December 2003):69-98.

“Democratization and the middle class: Comparative Latin-Asian observations.”Economic Performance

Under Democratic Regimes in Latin America in the Twenty-First Century. Eds., Lowell Gustafson and Satya Pattnayak. New York, NY: Edwin Mellen, 2003, 39-66. Chapter.

“Attitudes toward illegal immigration into the United States: California Proposition 187.” Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences 23, no. 4 (November 2001):430-443; with Yueh-Ting Lee and Victor Ottati.

“¿Un puente sobre aguas turbulentas? Los paneles binacionales en el TLCAN y las prácticas comerciales

desleales en América del Norte.” In Para Evaluar al TLCAN. Ed., Arturo Borja Tamayo. Mexico  City: Miguel Angel Porrúa and Tec de Monterrey, 2001, 355-404. Chapter.

“El euro y el dólar: ¿complementariedad o rivalidad?” In Uniones Monetarias e Integración en Europa y

las Américas. Ed., Rosa María Piñón Antillon. Mexico City: Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, Universidad Nacional Autónoma  de México/European Union Delegation, 2000, 139-174. Chapter.

“El TLCAN: ¿Una relación fructífera?” In México y la Unión Europea frente a los retos del Siglo XXI. Ed.,

Rosa María Piñón Antillón. Mexico City, DF: Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, Universidad Nacional Autónoma  de México/European Union Delegation, Mexico City, 1999, 339-370. Chapter.

“Dumping y medidas antidumping en América del Norte y Europa Occidental: Evolución y tendencias.” In

La Regionalización del Mundo: La Unión Europea y América Latina. Ed., Rosa María Piñón Antíllon. Mexico City, DF: Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México/European Union Delegation in Mexico City, 1998, 233-64.Chapter.

Westphalia in Europe as West Failure Abroad? A Study of the Fate of the Nation-State in non-Europe

WorkingDocument, #44, Division of International Studies, CIDE, 1998.

European Integration and Franco-German Relations: Erbfeindschaft or Engrenage? Working Document,

#43,Division of International Studies, CIDE, 1998.

Theoretical Explanations of Trade Competitiveness and a North American Application. Working

Document, #42, Division of International Studies, CIDE, 1998.

Agriculture and Supranationalism: Comparative Observations in West Europe and North America.

Working Document, #41, Division of International Studies, CIDE, 1998.

Environmental Protectionism and Comparative Observations in West Europe and North America. Working

Document, #38, Division of International Studies, CIDE, 1998.

Taking the State Back Out? Comparing French Responses to Globalization in Agriculture and Shipping.

Working Document, #32, Division of International Studies, CIDE, 1997. Coauthor: Mark Aspinwall.

Legal Integration in North America: Domestic and Multilateral Comparisons. Working Document, #29,

Division of International Studies, Center for the Research and Teaching of Economics, 1997.

Dispute Settlement, Domestic Institutions, and Political Integration in North America: A Comparative

Study. Working Document, #28, Division of International Studies, CIDE, 1997.

Old Wine in New Bottle? The Summit of the Americas in Theoretical Perspective. Working Document, #25,

Division of International Studies, CIDE, 1996.

Environmentalism, Free Trade, and Regionalism in Theoretical Perspective: An Unholy Developmental

Trinity? Working Document, #23, Division of International Studies, CIDE, 1996.

National Laws, N.A.F.T.A. Panels, and Multilateral Provisions: Sovereignty or Supranational Rules at

Bay? Working Document, #20, Division of International Studies, CIDE, 1995.

Assessing the Rules-Power Debate in Farm Trade: A Case Study of the Canadian-U.S. Free Trade

Agreement, Working Document, #19, Division of International Studies, CIDE, 1995.

Politics of Compensation: Truman, the Wool Bill of 1947, and the Shaping of Postwar U.S. Foreign Trade

Policy, U.S. Foreign Economic Policy series. Ed., Stuart Bruchey. New York, NY: Garland, 1993. Book.

Mohammed Aminul Karim. Geopolitics of the South China Sea in the Coming Decades. Nova Science

Publishers, 2018, pp. 188. “China ruling the waves.” The Daily Star. February 16, 2019. From:

Mayra Gómez. Human Rights in Cuba, El Salvador, and Nicaragua: A Sociological Perspective on Human

Rights Abuse. New York, NY: Routledge, 2003, 266pp. In The Journal of Peace and Justice Studies 17, no. 1 (2008): 90-104.

Erika de Wet. The Chapter VII Powers of the United Nations Security Council (Portland, OR: Hart

Publishing,2004): 413pp. In Human Rights & Human Welfare, vol. 5 (2005): 61-70; or

Louise Fawcett and Andrew Hurrell. Eds. Regionalism in World Politics: Regional Organization and                                           International Order. Oxford University Press, 1995, 342 pp. In Politica y Gobierno 5, no. 2 (First

semester 1998): 300-302.

Bruce Ackerman and David Golove. Is NAFTA Constitutional? (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University

Press, 1995), 129 pp. In Politica y Gobierno 3, no. 2 (second semester 1996): 413-414.

Beth A. Simmons. Who Adjusts? Domestic Sources of Foreign Economic Policy During the Interwar

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“ Purging plastics: Reconsidering renewables.” The Financial Express. February 3, 2020. From:

“AI vs human predictions: Tipping the point?” The Financial Express. January 30, 2020. From:                   “‘Great leap forward’: What Bangladesh does in 2020 will be pivotal.” The Financial Express. January 27,

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“Bangladesh, the 2020 pacesetter?” The Financial Express. January 20 , 2020. From:

“Ogling the ocean-bed: Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea.” The Financial Express. January 16, 2020.


“Old wine in new bottle: The Davos Manifesto.” The Financial Express. January 13, 2020. From:

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“An apocalyptic 2019 color.” The Financial Express, December 30, 2019. From:                                                                      

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“One Greta year: It’s now or never.”The Financial Express, December 12, 2019. From:                                                          

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“Soul-searching as the 1971 generation leaves the stage.” The Financial Express. December 2, 2019. From:


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“Onward digital soldiers: Pathways to the robots.”The Financial Express. August 19, 2019. From:                                                         to-the-robots-1566227524.

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“The Asian Century hype: Tower of Babel.”The Financial Express. July 15, 2019. From:                                    babel-1563202864.

“Another one bites the dust: Belt Road Initiative snares Kenya.”The Financial Express. July 11, 2019.                                          From:                                     snares-kenya-1562856660.

“Resuscitating rivers.”The Financial Express. July 8, 2019. From:

“Emergent populism: A perverted form of ‘rule of the many.”The Financial Express. July 5, 2019. From:                                    the-many-1562251461.

“Even as the world changes, old mindsets remain.”The Financial Express. July 1, 2019. From:                                   1561995777.

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“Back with a vengeance: Climate-change considerations.”The Financial Express. June 17, 2019. From:                                                   considerations-1560786151.

“Arms and the common man.” The Financial Express. June 14, 2019. From:

“Globalization-localization tensions.” The Financial Express. June 11, 2019. From:

“’Clash of civilization’ or crash: Environmental doomsday?” The Daily Star. June 10, 2019. From:

“Cold War Two: ‘Made-in’ labels as instrument.” The Financial Express. June 4, 2019. From:

“Angela Merkl’s legacy: ‘Holy Roman Empress’?” The Daily Star. June 3, 2019. From:

“Ramifications of EU parliamentary elections: Back as a balancer? ” The Financial Express. May 31, 2019.


“GPA and beyond: Time to break out of old pedagogical model.” The Daily Star. May 29, 2019. From:

“Populism triumphs in India: World’s most popular man, Modi.” The Financial Express. May 27, 2019.


“Increasing focus on Asia: Tree in a forest?” The Financial Express. May 25, 2019. From:

“Fading GDP love.” The Financial Express. May 20, 2019. From:

“Galloping Bangladesh: Emperor with no clothes?” The Daily Star. May 18, 2019. From:

“Meatless with spine, or spineless with meat?” The Financial Express. May 16, 2019.  From:

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“Remittance addiction: Low-waged migrants, low-waged population.” The Financial Express. May 9,

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“Economic growth: flexing muscles.” The Financial Express. May 6, 2019.  From:

“There goes the neighborhood: Sri Lankan spillovers.” The Daily Star. May 4, 2019. From:

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“From emigration to return migration: New ball-game?” The Financial Express. April 25, 2019.  From:

“Global growth: Tables turning?” The Financial Express. April 22, 2019.  From:

“Of fires, fates, and fortunes: ‘Devil’s only friend’?” The Daily Star. April 21, 2019. From:

“The case of jute: Surviving, sustaining, succeeding.” The Financial Express. April 18, 2019.  From:

“Demoralizing democracy: Role of economic consequences.” The Financial Express. April 15, 2019.


“China-U.S. trade negotiations: Damage-control or frontier-breaking.” The Financial Express. April 11,

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“Brexit bailout: Bad Friday forthcoming?” The Financial Express. April 8, 2019. From:

“’Civilizing’ Dhaka.” The Daily Star. April 6, 2019. From:


“Breakthroughs and bailouts: RMG sector at the crossroads.” The Financial Express. April 4, 2019. From:

“Rohingya raindrops: Thinking outside the traditional box.” The Financial Express. April 1, 2019. From:

“Crusading children: Fault in our stars or ourselves?” The Daily Star. March 31, 2019.  From:

“Low carbon developmental pathway: Bangladesh’s future mode?” The Financial Express. March 28,

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“Reminiscing March 1971: The day the music died.” The Financial Express. March 25, 2019.  From:

“Post-Christchurch social reconstruction: Global the message, local the onus.” The Daily Star. March 24,

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“Creating an unbroken circle: Towards a greener RMG future?” The Financial Express. March 14, 2019.


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“BIMSTEC at a crossroads: Soaring or stalling?” From: The Financial Express. March 4, 2019. From:

“Poverty elimination and infrastructural implications.” The Financial Express. March 2, 2019.


“Bangladesh’s breakthrough moment:  A Vietnam diversion?” The Financial Express. February 28, 2019.


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“American firsts and un-American bursts.” The Financial Express. February 4, 2019. From:

“Menu for 2019: From venture capital to adventure (and back).” The Financial Express. January 31, 2019.


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“After Davos: Taming the ‘selfie’ shrew.” The Financial Express. January 24, 2019. From:

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“Menu for 2019: Grassroots grumblings.” The Financial Express. January 14, 2019. From:

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“Asian Century: Another view.” The Financial Express. December 27, 2018. From:

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“Liberation and religion: Constitutionalism remains the lodestar.” The Financial Express. December 20,

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“Bangladesh, refugees, and a 47-year cycle.” The Financial Express. December 6, 2018. From:

“Thirteen days that shook the world.” The Financial Express. December 3, 2018. From:

“Fluctuating configurations: Leadership at bay?” The Financial Express. November 29, 2018. From:

“Containing China: A helpless hope?” The Financial Express. November 26, 2018. From:

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“Japan & global leadership: Land of the setting sun?” The Financial Express. November 15, 2018. From:

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“Preconditioning the market: Strategic choice of India.” The Financial Express. November 8, 2018.

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“Post-tariff trade: Dovetailed or dead-ended?”  The Financial Express. October 29, 2018. From:

“Khashoggi murder: The battle between money and morals.” The Financial Express. October 25, 2018.



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“From ‘slumdog millionaires’ to ‘crazy rich Asians’: Continental roulette?” The Financial Express.

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“Summer denials, wintry outcomes.”  The Financial Express. October 11, 2018. From:

“Inter-civilization moment: Post-westernization rumbles.” The Financial Express. October 8, 2018. From:

“North America’s changing order.”  The Financial Express. October 4, 2018. From:

“After NAFTA: GO back to the drawing board.” The Financial Express. October 1, 2018.


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“Prescription is no substitute for performance.” The Financial Express. September 20, 2018. From:

“Lehman’s lingering shadow?” The Financial Express. September 17, 2018. From:

“Back to a future jungle?” The Daily Star. September 15, 2018.

“Will we ever have (taka) trillionaires?” The Financial Express. September 13, 2018. From:

“Cattle prattle: Leather in line to follow RMG magic.” The Financial Express. September 10, 2018. From:

“‘Global Britain’: Déjà vu,” The Financial Express, September 6, 2018, from:

“Automation, avocation, or a future of both?” The Financial Express, September 3, 2018, from:

“Building ‘new’ Dhaka the ‘old’ way: Potholed paradise?” ICE Business Times, anniversary issue (August

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“Bye-bye banking: Handling AI intervention,” The Financial Express, August 27, 2018, from:

“Tariff backlash,” The Financial Express, August 20, 2018, from:

“Iconoclast Donald J. Trump.” The Daily Star. August 19, 2018. From:

“Bangladesh’s carbon dilemma.” The Financial Express. August 17, 2018. From:


“Loosening the ‘carbon  triangle’.” The Financial Express. August 13, 2018. From:

“Thinking the unthinkable: A ‘Chinese Century’?” The Daily Star. August 11, 2018. From:

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“From ‘hardware’ to Apple-led ‘software’.” The Financial Express. August 6, 2018. From:

“From Russia with fatal love.” ?” The Daily Star. August 5, 2018. From:

“Yesterday’s tools, tomorrow’s needs.” The Financial Express. August 2, 2018. From:

“Canada’s U.S. dilemma: Stuck in the middle with you?” The Daily Star. July 28, 2018.

“Behind the unfolding trade war: The instruments.” The Financial Express. July 27, 2018.

“World Cup economics: Qatar calling.” The Financial Express, July 23, 2018.

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“East Dhaka 2035  paradigm: A make-or-break moment?” The Financial Express. July 19, 2018.

“Restoring the farm pillar.” The Financial Express. July 16, 2018.

“Puff, the plastic dragon.” The Daily Star. July 14, 2018.


“Cracks in Belt and Road Initiative.” The Financial Express. July 12, 2018.

“Mexico: Economic consequences of AMLO’s victory.” The Financial Express. July 9, 2018.

“World Cup and international relations.” The Daily Star, July 7, 2018.

“Resurrecting the U.S. economic mindset: A formula with no fan?” The Financial Express. July 5, 2018.

“Mexican polls: The ‘other soul’.” The Daily Star. July 5, 2018.

“A story of two global trade wars.” The Financial Express. July 2, 2018.

“Democratic regression: The ‘English’ turn.” The Daily Star. June 30, 2018.

“Pretensive protectionism?” The Financial Express. June 28, 2018.

“Market competition of a different breed.” The Financial Express. June 25.

“Kissinger’s ‘rise and fall of enlightenment’.” The Daily Star. June 24, 2018.

“Sclerosis, misdiagnoses bedevil the U.S. economy.” The Financial Express. June 21, 2018.

“A Muslim Westphalia?” The Daily Star. June 19, 2018.


“Alternate explanation of current disorder.” The Financial Express. June 18, 2018.

“Global disorder and the fate of the east.” The Financial Express. June 14, 2018.

“A U.S. counter-reformation?” The Financial Express. June 11, 2018.

“Trump’s ‘personal’ foreign policy.” The Daily Star. June 9, 2018.

“Transforming energy sources: A tale of two countries.” The Financial Express. June 7, 2018.

“The game of bluff and brinkmanship: Trump’s emerging style.” The Daily Star. June 6, 2018.

“Human rights implications.” The Financial Express. June 4, 2018.

“Birds of the same feather?”  The Financial Express. May 31, 2018.

“Absolute power and absolute corruption.” The Financial Express. May 28, 2018.

“‘We are the world’ lullabies in Windsor.” The Daily Star.  May26, 2018.

“India’s gradual Pakistan-isation.” The Financial Express. May 24, 2018.

“Forster’s third democratic ‘cheer’: Mahathir (as  symbol)?” The Daily Star. May 23, 2018.

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“Jerusalem: ‘A day which will live in infamy’ (if history is any guide).” The Daily Star. May 19, 2018.

“State demise and ‘net state’ denials.” The Financial Express. May 17, 2018.

“Emotional intelligence and international relations.” The Financial Express. May 14, 2018.

“Lighting Marx’s fire: Revolution or romance?” The Daily Star. May 12, 2018.

“World leadership: China leading differently?” The Financial Express. May 10, 2018.

“Rhetoric, reality, Rohingyas.” The Financial Express. May 7, 2018.

“Wuhan woos: China and India rewriting future history?” The Daily Star. May 5, 2018.

“Hungary’s election: An ‘old’ versus ‘new’ argument.” The Financial Express. May 3, 2018.

“Dissuading dictators from modeling Kim.” The Financial Express. April 30, 2018.

“A Koeran ‘super moon’?” The Daily Star. April 28, 2018..


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“Reconfiguring South Asia.” The Financial Express. April 23, 2018.

“Britain’s un-Commonwealth?” The Daily Star. April 21, 2018.

“Blending battle-lines in the Middle East chessboard.” The Financial Express. April 20, 2018.

“Living with the devil we know.” The Financial Express. April 16, 2018.

“North Korea-U.S. rapprochement: Not a ‘break down that wall’ moment.” The Financial Express. April

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“Untamed transitions: The RMG case.” The Financial Express. April 9, 2018.

“Angelic 47th independence: Idiosyncrasies.” The Financial Express. April 5, 2018.

“Has the economic spring arrived?” The Financial Express. April 2, 2018.

“Bangladesh, India, and migration: An Assamese curveball?” The Financial Express. March 22, 2018.

“Digital discrimination in the age of breathtaking technological advancements.” The Financial Express.

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“Out of the blue: Bangladesh-U.S. trade talks.” The Financial Express. March 15, 2018.

“Trump and trade war: Shifting into the unknown.” The Financial Express. March 12, 2018.

“Zodiacs and international relations.” The Financial Express. March 5, 2018.


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“Rational choice faces a ‘morality moment’.” The Financial Express. February 26, 2018.

“‘Stand-out’ inclusive development: Bangladesh’s cheerful 2018 start.” The Financial Express. February

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“Evolving AI technologies: Forging the right social contract.” The Financial Express, February 20, 2018.

“The AI revolution: Sowing seeds or dust?” The Financial Express, February 17, 2018.


“Judeo-Christian ‘America’: Making hay while the sun shines?” The Financial Express, February 12, 2018.

“‘Lean, clean, and green’: A future possibility?” The Financial Express, February 10, 2018.

“Statehood under new threat.” The Financial Express, February 5, 2018.

“The emergent ‘gig’ economy.” The Financial Express, February 1, 2018.

“The World Bank: ‘Fake’ news dominance under transparent guidelines.” The Financial Express, January

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“‘Basket-case’ and ‘shit-hole’ labels: Story of a shipwreck.” The Financial Express, January 25, 2018.

“Biting the bullet: WEF 2018.” The Financial Express, January 22, 2018.

“Business, culture, 2018 twists.” The Financial Express, January 18, 2018.

“Saudi Arabia’s forthcoming rubicon.” The Financial Express, January 15, 2018.

“Commemorating ‘North America’: Real or imagined?” The Financial Express.  January 11, 2018.

“‘Mirror, mirror on the wall’: Letting self-determination say it all.” The Financial Express.  January 8,


“Boarding the branding bandwagon: A make-or-break year.” The Financial Express.  January 4, 2018

“Building brands: Bangladesh’s new year resolution.” The Financial Express.  January 1, 2018.

“Year of Mother Nature’s revenge, 2017?” The Financial Express.  December 28, 2017.

“Balfour Declaration & a bloody legacy.” The Financial Express.  December 25, 2017.

“Clash between moderates and fundamentalists in Christianity and Islam.” The Financial Express.

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“Winds of change, 2017.” The Financial Express. December 18, 2017.

“Israel, Saudia Arabia, & tectonic 2017 changes: Kissing cousins?” The Financial Express. December 14,


“Global leadership & baton-passing: A fickle year.” The Financial Express. December 11,


“Was 2017 the first post-nationality year?” Financial Express. December 7, 2017.

“U.S. global leadership centennial: Homeward blues?” Financial Express. December 4, 2017.

“Russia’s revolution centennial: From Vladimir Lenin to Vladimir Putin.” Financial Express. November

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“Damaging the U.S. brand: Trump alone responsible.” Financial Express. November 27, 2017.

“Cashless crossroads: The ball must come from India’s court.” Financial Express. November 23, 2017.

“Cashless Bangladesh: There is no magic wand.” Financial Express. November 20, 2017. 1511189263

“Cashless India: Pipe-dream or poverty-alleviation instrument?” Financial Express. November 16, 2017.

“The second cashless ear: Durability of transaction impulse.” Financial Express. November 13, 2017.

“Economics with a human face: Nudging and budging.” Financial Express. November 9, 2017.

“Rootlessness and ruthlessness: The worsening plight of migrants.” Financial Express. November 6, 2017.

“Is the sun rising twice in the east? Japan’s resurrection faces China.” Financial Express. November 2,


“Spain and the devolving state.” Financial Express. October 30, 2017.

“Hi-tech RMG & Bangladesh’s future.” Financial Express. October 26, 2017.

“All well on India’s eastern frontier?” Financial Express. October 24, 2017.

“Japan at a crossroads: Popularity vs populism.” Financial Express. October 19, 2017.

“Democracy, the devil we did not know.” Financial Express. October 16, 2017.

“Innovation’s ‘ugly duckling’: Resource-replete Bangladesh.” Financial Express. October 12, 2017.

“Erratic behavior of Saudi masters with migrants.” Financial Express. October 9, 2017.

“RMG name change: Robots as asset or liability?” Financial Express. October 5, 2017.

“After merkl, the deluge.” Financial Express. October 2, 2017.

“Johann Galtung, the Pied Piper of the 4th Industrial Revolution?” Financial Express,  September 28, 2017.

“The Nobel Peace Prize: The Suu Kyi aberration.” Financial Express,  September 25, 2017.

“Hasina crosses the Rohingya Rubicon: Its implications.” Financial Express,  September 21, 2017.

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“Post-socialism Europe: Populism benefits from center-left defections.” Financial Express, September 11,


“U.S. scenario: The far-right is out for the kill.” Financial Express, September 7, 2017.

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“South Asia’s 70-year itch.” Financial Express, August 28, 2017.

“Bangladesh: ‘Weak power’ climate-change leader.” Financial Express, August 24, 2017.

“While globalization gently sleeps.” Financial Express, August 10, 2017.

“Politics: Good, bad, and ugly.” Financial Express, August 7, 2017.

“Corruption, culture, development.” Financial Express, July 20, 2017.

“Artificial intelligence: Bangladesh’s predicament.” Financial Express, July 13, 2017.

“Changing guards at Hamburg.” Financial Express, July 11, 2017.

“Celebrating the ‘hope’ option.” Financial Express, July 6, 2017.

“Consequences of Islamic extremism.” Financial Express, July 3, 2017.

“The social causes of Islamic extremism.” Financial Express, June 29, 2017.

“The economic causes of Islamic extremism.” Financial Express, June 22, 2017.

“The political causes of Islamic extremism.” Financial Express, June 15, 2017.

“Disquieting aberration: Anglo-Saxons under stress.” Financial Express, June 8, 2017.

“Paris Agreement in historical context.” Financial Express, June 5, 2017.

“‘Axis of evil’: Booming, busting, or boomeranging?” The Financial Express, May 30, 2017.

“It’s show-time for South Korea.” The Financial Express, May 26, 2017.

“Bangla-India relations: Politicking or bonding?” The Financial Express, May 23, 2017.

“The return of great power politics?” The Financial Express, May 19, 2017.

“Vivé la France: Resurrecting global democracy?” The Financial Express, May 16, 2017.

“Trump’s ‘Tear down that wall’ moment.” Foreign Affairs Insights & Reviews. May 2017.

“Artificial intelligence in Bangladesh: Baby steps?” The Financial Express, May 9, 2017.

“European crossroads: Emotions, the economy, and elections.” The Financial Express, May 5, 2017.

“Trump’s 100-days: A mixed bag?” The Financial Express, May 3, 2017.

“Opening windows, closing doors: The AI shuffle.” The Financial Express, April 25, 2017.

“The 21st Century trading network: Grabbing the various bulls by the horn.” The Financial Express,

April 21, 2017.

“Misdiagnosing democracy: Fully embracing the world.” The Financial Express, April 18, 2017.

“Back to the basics: A circular economy.” The Financial Express, April 14, 2017.

“From D-Day to D-Century: Bangladesh in danger zone.” The Financial Express, April 11, 2017.

“Nature defending nature.” The Financial Express, April 7, 2017.

“From Russia with love?” The Financial Express, April 4, 2017.

“Happiness as a 3-letter word.” The Financial Express, March 31, 2017.

“Another ‘Flying Dutchman’ moment.” The Financial Express, March 28, 2017.

“Give peace a chance, better yet, the upper hand.” The Financial Express, March 24, 2017.

“Deepening technology-education embrace.” The Financial Express, March 21, 2017.

“Living in ‘interesting times’: It could be a long wait.” The Financial Express, March 77, 2017.

“Rescuing Saudi Arabia: Asia’s new role?” The Financial Express, March 14, 2017.

“With and without recession: Lessons from Japan and Australia.”  The Financial Express, March 10, 2017.

“The missing ‘knowledge capital’.” The Financial Express, March 7, 2017.

“Sombre thoughts: Orphaning English?” The Financial Express, March 3, 2017.

“Modifying yardsticks for ‘democracy’ measurements.” The Financial Express, February 28, 2017.

“Twentieth century wealth diffusion: Geography, population-growth, market-size.” The Financial

Express, February 24, 2017.

“Seaport development and connectivity quandary: Digital Bangladesh as gatekeeper?” The Daily Star,

February 23, 2017. Twenty-sixth anniversary issue.

“Infrastructure versus obsolescence: Trump’s daunty trade-off.” The Financial Express, February , 2017.

“US scenario: Taming a shrewd political shrew.” The Financial Express, February 14, 2017.

“Year of the rooster, a China booster.” The Financial Express, February 10, 2017.

“Aspiring middle-income status: Cleansing the country of corruption.” The Financial Express, February

7, 2017.

“Musical chairs in Davos: Leadership change?” The Financial Express, February 3, 2017.

“How now DOW cow: Another Gilded Age.” The Financial Express, January 31, 2017.

“Trapped at the short-end: Our fate foretold.” The Financial Express, January 27, 2017.

“Davos 2017: Taking the bull by the horns.” The Financial Express, January 24, 2017.

“Bashing retreat-ism: The 2017 World Economic Forum agenda.” The Financial Express, January 20,


“From positives we grow, with negatives we sink.” The Financial Express, January 17, 2017.

“The global games of thrones.” The Financial Express, January 13, 2017.

“Present at the destruction: Rolling Obama or the US back?” The Financial Express, January 10,


“Market trends, 2017: Of frontiers and back-loops.” The Financial Express, January 6, 2017.

“2017 developmental growth rates: Tables turning?” The Financial Express, January 3, 2017.

“That was the year that was, 2016.” The Financial Express, December 30, 2016.

“Downloading discrimination: An anatomy.” The Financial Express, December 27, 2016.

“2016, a year of surprises.” The Financial Express, December 23, 2016.

“Life beyond Rampal: ‘Swarm electrification’ a Bangladeshi trademark.” The Financial Express,

December 20, 2016.

“21st Century Bangladesh-U.S. relations: 45 may be more than a number.” The Financial Express,

December 16, 2016.

“Trump’s victory and media legitimacy: Technological bite-back.” The Financial Express, December

13, 2016.

“About-turn angst: The popularity and peculiarity of foreign reversals.” The Financial Express, December

9, 2016.

“Globaslisation: There’s a kind of hush . . . .” The Financial Express, December 6, 2016.

“Business cycles, social blending, and job stability: New MBA calls.” The Financial Express, December

2, 2016.

“Education: The threshold crisis.” The Financial Express, November 29, 2016.

“Revolution of rising expectations: Middle-class materialistic surge.” The Financial Express, November

27, 2016.

“After TPP, the deluge?” The Financial Express, November 22, 2016.

“Coal: The conscientiousness hole.” The Financial Express, November 18, 2016.

“Global leadership: Of fat cats, mice, and vice.” The Financial Express. November 15, 2016.

“Innovation impaled: Bangladesh’s challenge.” The Financial Express, November 11, 2016.

“Trump’s victory draws the curtain on a fabled American era.” The Financial Express,

November 10, 2016.

“’The Financial Express’ and 23-year trysts: Newspapers and education in private sector-led economy.”

The Financial Express, November 10, 2016.

“Clash over cash: Cash-less tendencies resonate well with affluence.” The Financial Express,

November 8, 2016.

“SAES conference, SDGs, & the SAARC hangover: A walk in the park.” The Financial Express,

November 4, 2016.

“SAES conference, SDGs, and South Asian poverty: The uninvited guests.” The Financial Express,

November 1, 2016.

“Disrupting disruptions: Retrievals from the edge.” The Financial Express, October 28, 2016.

“Upwardly-mobile instinct: Bangladesh beyond maelstrom.”  The Financial Express, October 25, 2016.

Part 5 of 5.

“Bangladeshi roots: Nationalism as a source of instinct.” The Financial Express, October 21, 2016. Part 4

of 5.

“The ‘not yet great’ powers at a time of power vacuum.” The Financial Express, October 18, 2016. Part 3

of 5.

“Great powers today: Shadows of the past.” The Financial Express, October 14, 2016. Part 2 of 5.

“Rivalry playground: The ‘big picture’.” The Financial Express, October 11, 2016. Part 21of 5.

“Economic development: ‘Power of one’ as instrument.” The Financial Express, October 7, 2016.

“‘One belt, one road’ comes calling: Padma crossings.” The Financial Express, October 4, 2016.

“Juggling between two forces, ‘wall’ versus ‘web’ instincts.” The Financial Express, September 30,


“Great Game East: The balance of power fulcrum shifting to the east.” The Financial Express, September

27, 2016.

“Global interest rate: The name of the game is downward mobility.” The Financial Express, September 23,


“Transshipments and trade-offs: Enacting opportunities from obstacles.” The Financial Express, September

20, 2016.

“U.S. electoral consequence: Taking a hike with trade?” The Financial Express, September 16, 2016,

“Women empowerment in Bangladesh: Of the forest, trees, and grassroots.” Book review. The Daily Star.

September 12, 2016.

“Border bonds: Let ‘a thousand flowers bloom’.” The Financial Express, September 09, 2016.

“Oil and turmoil: Learning new lessons?” The Financial Express, August 30, 2016.

“Spectre of BREXIT stalk America: Exiting the global stage?” The Financial Express, September 2, 2016.

“The ‘America’ we have lost.” The Financial Express, August 30, 2016.

“Trumpism: Another siren song?” The Financial Express, August 26, 2016.

“U.S. greatness: Rhetoric versus reality,” The Financial Express, August 23, 2016.

“Trump—the tip of an iceberg?” The Financial Express, August 19, 2016.

“That glass-ceiling: Within it and beyond,” The Financial Express, August 16, 2016.

“Electoral fix over policy-making approach: Values or vested interests?” The Financial Express, August

12, 2016.

“U.S. presidential election at the crossroads.” The Financial Express, August 9, 2016.

“Bangladesh & innovation: On the outside looking in?” The Financial Express, August 5, 2016. .

“The 2016 ‘industrial revolution’: Cautious optimism.” The Financial Express, August 2, 2016.

“China’s one-belt, one-road vision: Bangladesh’s one-track outcome.” The Financial Express, July 29,


“RMG rescue plan: Creating funds for future exigencies.” The Financial Express, July 26, 2016.

“Indo-Bangla FTA prospects: Political leadership is vital.” The Financial Express, July 23, 2016.

“FTAs proliferate around the world: Bangladesh misses the boat.” The Financial Express, July 19, 2016.

“To market, to market—to buy bonds.” The Financial Express, July 15, 2016.

“Special economic zones: Miracle or malaise?” The Financial Express, July 12, 2016.

“Economic zones and political bones.” The Financial Express, July 5, 2016.

“A second-string industrial appraisal: A bridge into a more predictable future.” The Financial Express, July

1, 2016.

“Energy and infrastructure: Conveyor-belt or constraint?” The Financial Express, June 28, 2016.

“Ceramics: Growth’s linkage industry.” The Financial Express, June 24, 2016.

“Real estate, construction, cement.” The Financial Express, June 21, 2016.

“Haute-couture flying high.” The Financial Express, June 17, 2016.

“Silent ICT revolution: Job openings for high-skilled graduates, specialists.” The Financial

Express, June 14, 2016.

“The gas and fertilizer story.” The Financial Express, June 10, 2016.

“Witnessing a ship-building renaissance?” The Financial Express, June 6, 2016.

“Growth and industrialization: Balancing act?” The Financial Express, June 3, 2016.

“Global citizenship: to have or not?” The Financial Express, May 31, 2016.

“A nation of statisticians: GDP an incomplete yardstick.” The Financial Express, May 27, 2016.

“Investment’s invisible hand.” The Financial Express, May 24, 2016.

“Business-government alliance: Corporatist Bangladesh?” The Financial Express, May 20, 2016.

“Cry, my beloved country.” The Financial Express, May 17, 2016.

“Internet’s third wave: Rendezvous with destiny?” The Financial Express, May 13, 2016.

“Competitive instincts: Disappearing with the dirty bathwater?” The Financial Express, May 10, 2016.

“Beyond Trump: Tolling bells to toll forever.” The Financial Express, May 6, 2016.  Last article of the series.

“Beyond Trump: Openness, “from sea to shining sea.” The Financial Express, May 3, 2016. Third piece of 4 in the series.

“Beyond Trump: Another industrial revolution trap?” The Financial Express, April 29, 2016. Second piece of 4 in the series.

“Beyond Trump: ‘Grapes of Wrath’ revisited.” The Financial Express, April 26, 2016. First piece of a 4-part series.

“Small: Both beautiful and bountiful.” The Financial Express, April 22, 2016.

“Innovations & indigestion: growing worries.” The Financial Express, April 19, 2016.

“Following Indian footsteps: Building more bilateral relations.” The Financial Express,

April 16, 2016.

“New Year’s greetings: But not necessarily ‘For the sake of Auld Lang Syne’.” The Financial Express,

April 14, 2016.

“Bangladesh’s place in an Asian-Latin Century.” The Financial Express, April 12, 2016.

“Asian-Latin rendezvous: Histories, strategies, destinies.” The Financial Express, April 8, 2016.

“Latin liaisons: Here today, gone tomorrow?” The Financial Express, April 4, 2016.

“Independence & industry: Performances, patterns, & prognoses.” The Financial Express,

April 1, 2016.

“Our Sunderbans Rubicon: Armageddon in an Anthropocene Epoch.” The Financial Express,

March 30, 2016.

“Tourism & travel trappings: Playing the game differently.” The Financial Express, March 29, 2016.

“Independence and its 45-year dividends.” The Financial Express, March 26, 2016.

“Second-time gold: The RMG magic.” The Financial Express, March 25, 2016.

“Immigration ghosts: An anatomy,” The Financial Express, March 24, 2016.

“Paper: staying ahead of the Malthusain ghost.” The Financial Express, March 22, 2016.

“From cargo to corruption: Widening “airport cleansing” operations.” The Financial Express,

March 20, 2016.

“Pharmaceuticals: Farming the future,” The Financial Express, March 18, 2016.

“Leather: A future feather?” The Financial Express, March 15, 2016.

“Wishing a fishing future: An ocean-based future economy? The Financial Express, March 11, 2016.

“The political economy of Donald Trump: The specter of isolation.” The Financial Express, March 10,


“Trumping America: A “con” politician’s springboard.” The Financial Express, March 9, 2016.

“Double trouble: Increasing tea and sugar deficits.” The Financial Express, March 8, 2016.

“Flip-flopping fibers: Any jute renaissance will be RMG-related.” The Financial Express, March 4, 2016.

“Independence & Industry: A profile,” The Financial Express, March 1, 2016.

“Year of the  Monkey: Stopping all forms of corruption.” The Financial Express, February 26, 2016.

“Hatirjheel: When frolics & finances flirt,” The Financial Express, February 23, 2016.

“Saying to the world: Endonymously yours!” The Financial Express, February 21, 2016.

“Modernisation gaps: The quantitative-qualitative paradox,” The Financial Express, February 19,


“Fossilising fossil fuels,” The Financial Express, February 16, 2016.

“Sociology of corrupt hands & sticky feet,” The Financial Express, February 12, 2016.

“Global economic outlook: Emerging markets or meltdowns?” The Financial Express, February 9, 2016.

“From coal to renewable sources: Green hues from brown and blue,” The Financial Express, February 5,


“Squeezing more migratory juice.” The Financial Express, February 2, 2016.

“Politics, economics and the border.” The Financial Express, January 29, 2016.

“Implications: Conservative world erupting wildly everywhere.” The Financial Express, January 26, 2016.

Part 3 of a 3-part series.

“The underbelly: Changing trajectory of economic behavior.” The Financial Express, January 22, 2016.

Part 2 of a 3-part series.

“Industrial revolutions: The superstructure.” The Financial Express, January 19, 2016. Part 1 of a 3-part


“Need for fewer polemic debates, hilarity among politicians.” The Financial Express, January 16, 2016.

“That was the year it was: 2015 in review.” The Financial Express, January 11, 2016.

“Time, tide, tales.” Book review of Mosaic of a Lost Era, by Syed Najmuddin Hashim. The Daily Star,

January 4, 2016.

“COP-21 hullabaloo: Little commensurate action beckons.” The Financial Express, December 22, 2015.

“Asian growth & intra-Asian competitiveness: Bangladesh’s 2016 fate foretold?” The Financial Express,

December 15, 2015.

“Bangladesh: ‘A nation of shopkeepers’.” The Financial Express, December 11, 2015.

“Human banking in a nutshell.” The Financial Express, December 8, 2015.

“Delta Plan 2100 & health wrinkles.” The Financial Express, December 4, 2015.

“Financial literacy & middle-income identity: Fish out of water?” The Financial Express, December 1,


“Of financial bondage: The changing global architecture.” The Financial Express. November 27, 2015.

“Export processing zones & industrial blues: key enabling condition.” The Financial Express, November

24, 2015.

“Terrorism in Paris: Economic, political & social reverberations.” The Financial Express, November 20,


“The Bangabandhu-I satellite deal: From here to eternity?” The Financial Express, November 17, 2015.

“Delta diplomacy Learning from Dutch approach to water management,” The Financial Express,

November 13, 2015.

“Food for thought: Stranded between a rock and a hard place.” The Financial Express. November 10, 2015.

“Today’s challenges demand intellectual weapons.” The Financial Express. November 6, 2015. Part 10

of 10.

“Constraints: Understanding the nature of foreign investment.” The Financial Express. November 2, 2015.

Part 9, of 10.

“Between the rock of northern multilateralism and the hard place of the southern challenge.” The Financial

Express. October 27, 2015. Part 8, of 10.

“European stakes in Bangladeshi thresholds.” The Financial Express. October 23, 2015. Part 7, of 10.

“Distinguishing strategic from tactical goals with the United States.” The Financial Express. October 20,

  1. Part 6, of 10.

“‘One belt, one road,’ or one heck of a fix?” The Financial Express. October 16, 2015. Part 5, of 10.

“Economic size and tyranny of non-economic dynamics.” The Financial Express. October 13, 2015. Part

4, of 10.

“Japan, the ‘Asian NATO’ in the Bay.” The Financial Express.  October 9, 2015. Part 3, of 10.

“Bangladesh cannot live with India & without it.” The Financial Express. October 6, 2015. Part 2, of 10.

“A great game across prosaic Bay of Bengal.” The Financial Express. October 2, 2015. Part 1, of 10. In a

series on Bangladesh infrastructural development.

“In the middle-income rain.” The Financial Express. September 28, 2015.

“Economic size and the tyranny of non-economic dynamics.” The Financial Express. September 22, 2015.

“What the education VAT begat.” The Financial Express. September 18, 2015.

“Middle-income muses.” The Financial Express. September 15, 2015.

“Coal: The whole picture.” The Financial Express. September 11, 2015.

“What 2015 holds out for Bangladesh economy.” The Financial Express.  January 11, 2015.

“Democracy, trade and diplomacy.” The Financial Express. December 13, 2014.

“Publisher’s note: Victory Day special.” Bangladesh Business. November/December 2014, 5-6.

“Bye, bye Bangladesh pie: Emigrants.” Bangladesh Business. November/December, 19-20. Chart.

“Labor reform trickles do not an ocean make: RMG reforms.” Bangladesh Business. November/December,

  1. Chart.

“Flagging entrepreneurship.” Bangladesh Business. November/December, 35. Chart.

“43 years of migration/refugee movements/displacement.” Bangladesh Business. November/December 42

  1. Chart.

“Booming education business.” Bangladesh Business. November/December, 45. Chart.

“Global village: U.S. Black Friday blacker still in Bangladesh.” Bangladesh Business.

November/December 2014, 50. Chart.

“Womenomics.” Bangladesh Business. November/December, 55. Chart.

“Workers of the world unite: Everything to lose but chains.” Bangladesh Business. November/December,


“Neighborhood nitty-gritties.” Bangladesh Business. November/December, 66-7. Chart.

“Distant neighbors: Different integration stripes.” Bangladesh Business. November/December, 78. Chart.

“Sports & sponsors.” Bangladesh Business. November/December, 90.


“A tale of two internet trends.” Bangladesh Business. November/December, 97. Chart.

“Fallen journalists.” Bangladesh Business. November/December, 103.


“Publisher’s note: Everyone is an entrepreneur in Islam.” Bangladesh Business. September/October 2014,


“Sustainable business: Knocking on Bangladesh’s door.” Bangladesh Business. September/October 2014,


“Islamic finance: Another Bangladesh revolution?” Bangladesh Business. September/October 2014, 24-8.

“Banks and the savings dilemma.” Bangladesh Business. September/October 2014, 29. Chart.

“Publisher’s note.” Bangladesh Business. July/August 2014, 5.

“Land ho, Latin America.” Bangladesh Business. July/August 2014, 12-4.

“Fashion & freaks: A many-splendored indulgence.” Bangladesh Business. July/August 2014, 28-31.

“Bangladesh, India and Modi-nomics.” The Financial Express. July 2, 2014.

“Freedom, eternal vigilance, and negligence.” The Daily Star. June 19, 2014.

“Pillars pilloried?” The Daily Star. June 15, 2014.

“Sustainable or stagnant development?” Bangladesh Business. May/June 2014, 38-42.

“Publisher’s note.” Bangladesh Business. March/April 2014, 5.

“Economics with a human face.” Bangladesh Business. May/April 2014, 18-21.

“Clothing crossroads.” Bangladesh Business. March/April 2014, 22-6.

“Credit market and Bangladesh: Light at the end of a lonely tunnel?” Bangladesh Business.

January/February 2014, 21-6.

“Post-election credit-market picture.” Bangladesh Business. January/February 2014, 28-9.

                “2014: Pitfalls, recovery, optioins.” Bangladesh Business. January/February 2014, 30-1.

                “Microfinance and microcredit: Bangladesh’s storied experience.” Bangladesh Business. January/February

2014, 32.

“Top hat, white tie and tails.” Bangladesh Business. November/December 2013, 34-6.

“From liberalism/democratization to trafficking: Sex Babylon & dependencia  rewrit?” Paper. Latin

American Studies Association, biennial convention, Washington, DC, June 2013.

“Burned-out banking: Mexican flu from Spain’s financial cough.” Paper. European Union Studies

Association, biennial convention, Baltimore, May 2013.

“Governing EU crisis: CAP lessons for salvaging the Euro.” Paper. European Union Studies Association,

biennial convention, Baltimore, May 2013.

“Sex trafficking & an American Babylon: The mother of all diffusions?” Paper presented at the

International Studies Association, annual convention, San Francisco, April 2013.

“Los problemas de la Banco de España: Las posibles consecuencias para México.” Paper. Jean Monnet

Center of Excellence, University of Miami, March 2013.

“Implications from North America’s three elections,” Paper. Asociación de México deEstudios

Internacionales(AMEI). Annual conference, Puebla, Mexico, October 2012.

“North American elections & Indian implications; India’s Latin presence & global rivalry.” Invited

presentation, Centre for Canadian, US and Latin American Studies, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University. New Delhi, India, July 23, 2012.

“Cocaine’s onward march & the state’s retreat: Lessons from Canada’s Central American border.” Paper,

British International Studies Association and International Studies Association convention. Edinburgh, U.K., June 2012. Could not attend.

“Europe after the Greek Default: Widening, deepening or splitting?” Paper, European Union Center of

Excellence (EUCE) seminar. Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, April 2012.

“E.U.’s association agreements & Central America: No milk until the cows come home.” Paper, Council

for European Studies, Nineteenth Annual Conference. Boston, MA, March 22-4, 2012.

“Carstens, Lagarde, & the IMF leadership battle: Fighting in the lion’s den.” Paper, Asociación de México

De Estudios Internacionales (AMEI), annual conference. Playa del Carmen, Mexico, October 2011.

“Class, immigration, & legislations: Top-down preferences, bottom-up bottlenecks.”Law & Society

Association, annual meeting, San Francisco, June 2011.

“Arizona’s SB1070 walls and integrative economic realities: Rocks, hard places, & soft touches.”Invited

presentation at the conference “Fences, walls, and borders: State of insecurity?” University of Québec at Montréal (UQAM), May 17-8, 2011

“Turbulence a la Haas, disjointed incrementalism a la NAFTA:  Utility of transatlantic comparisons.”

European Union Studies Association, biennial convention. Boston, March 3-5, 2011.

“The sun rising twice? Spain in 21st Century Latin America.” Paper. “Twenty five years of Spain’s

Membership in the European Union (1986-2011).” European Center, University of Miami, Florida, February 25, 2011.

“Arizona’s SB1070 & the immigration-integration trade-off: Beyond all-or-nothing politics?” Invited paper

Presentation. FIU Law Review, Florida International University. Miami Beach, February 24-6, 2011.

“From globalized science to talent flow in Latin America.” Panel title with 4 presenters, Latin American

Studies Association, biennial convention. Toronto, October 6-9, 2010. Served as Discussant.

“Mexico, the United States, & migration: Blaming hungry-huddled masses or policy boomerangs?”

American Political Science Association, annual convention. Washington, DC, 2010.

“Mexico’s northern and southern borders: Comparing immigration policies.” Border Governance: A

Comparative North American Study, a conference held in Universidad Iberoamericana, October 2009.

“Challenging regionalism: Price revolution lessons from NAFTA.” International Political Science

Association, annual convention, Santiago, Chile, July 2009.

“Multilateralizing CAP: Bitter harvest?” Ambitions and Reality: Historical Perspectives on CAP.

Conference by German Historical Institute, Paris, May 2009.

“The Shanghai Cooperation Organization as a security actor.” European Union Studies Association,

biennial Conference. Los Angeles, April 2009.

“Russia, China, &U.S. missile defense: Shanghai Cooperation Framework on the line?” International

Studies Association, annual conference. New York, February 2009.

“Food price revolution & NAFTA:Is there another hole in the regionalism bucket?”International Studies

Association, annual conference. New York, February 2009.

“Multiculturalizing elections or electoralizing culture? A comparative study of the 2008 Canadian and US

Elections.” Conference, Universidad Iberoamericana, October 27-9, 2008.

“One consumer at a time: The neoliberal/Reaganomics/Washington Consensus inheritance.” Non-NAFTA

issues impacting NAFTA: Confronting challenges outside the box.” Conference, Universidad Iberoamericana, October 27-9, 2008.

“SPP, Security, & intelligence: Forging Canadian-Mexico commonalities?” Asociación Mexicana de

Estudios Canadienses (AMEC). Annual meeting, October 8-10, 2008, Guadalajara, Mexico.

“As tears go by: Farmers, NAFTA, & Mexico,” Conference on “North America at the Crossroads: NAFTA

after15 years,” Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City, April 8, 2008. With Ana Paula Lavin Gutiérrez.

“Sun setting in the east? US trade policy at Asian crossroads.” Comisión de Relaciones Exteriores, Asia

Pacifico: Centro de Estudios Asia y África del Colegio de México y Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, en Foro “ANSEA y El Nuevo Orden Mundial,” Senado de la República, LX Legistura,April 1, 2008, México City. Invited presentation in the Mexican Senate.

“Multilateralizing Muslim democracies: The European Union role.” Paper, International Studies

Association, annual convention, San Francisco, March 2008.

“Mexico, U.S., & post-9/11 border dynamics: From the frying pan to the fire.” Paper, Regionalismos,

Desarrollo Social y Fronteras: Conexiones y Disyuntivas, First International Conference, Universidad de las Américas, Puebla, Feburary 2008.

“Fox, Lula, and Washington Consensus adjustments: Distance pays, proximity hurts.” Paper, Latin

American Studies Association, biennial convention, Montreal, September 2007.

                “A fifth democratic wave? Observations from Muslim countries,” Poster, American Political Science

Association, annual convention, Chicago, August 2007.

“Democracy promotion and the EU-US formulas: Photo opportunities or potential rivalries?” Paper,

European Union Studies Association, biennial conference, Montreal, May 2007.

“Latin America, West Europe, and the United States in between: Competition, gravitation or insulation?”

Paper,  International Studies Association, annual convention, Chicago, March 2007.

“A fifth democratic wave? Observations from Muslim countries,” Paper, International Political Science

Association, 20th World Congress, Fukuoka, Japan, July 2006.

“Asia’s post-9/11 Muslim minorities: Endangered species?” Paper, presented, Asiatic Society of

Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh, July 2006.

“The rise of fundamentalism and its implications.” Presentation, Bangladesh Institute of Law and

International Affairs, Dhaka, Bangladesh, July 2006.

“Deep-end or shallow? Historical stooping &transatlantic approaches against jihadism.” Paper, European

Union Studies Association–Canada (EUSA-Can), Victoria, Canada,  May 2006.

“Once bitten, twice shy? Leftist resurgence amidst democratization.” International Studies Association,

annual convention, San Diego, CA., March 2006.

“Knocking on Mexico’s door: Central America’s unholy development trinity,” Paper, Asociación  de

México de Estudios Internacionales, annual convention, Acapulco, Mexico, October 2005.

                “Unarranged marriage: Trade, development, and 21st Century agreements,” Paper, Asociación de México

de Estudios Internacionales, annual convention, Acapulco, Mexico, October 2005.           

“Mexican emigration, Canadian immigration, and a regional interpretation,” First Global International

Studies Conference, World International Studies Committee, Bilgi University, Istanbul, Turkey, August, 2005.

“Afghanistan, Iraq, and eternal vigilance: Pricey democratization,” Paper, First Global International Studies

Conference, World International Studies Committee, Bilgi University, Istanbul, Turkey, August, 2005.

“Battlefield or sphere of influence? Latin America in transatlantic trade skirmishes,” Paper, International

Studies Association, annual convention, Honolulu, Hawaii, March 2005.

“Refugees, conflict, and resolution: Not quite heaven, but hopefully not Hades,” Paper, International

Studies Association, annual convention, Honolulu, Hawaii, March 2005.

“Dustbin democracy? Central America’s unholy development trinity,” Latin American Studies Association,

annual convention, Paper Las Vegas, NV, October 2004.

“Birds of a different feather? Europe, the US, and interpreting Islam,” Center for European Studies,

Vanderbilt University/German Historical Institute, Nashville, Tennessee, September 2004.

“Security pulls, societal pushes, strategy dilemmas: British & Canadian responses to the Bush Doctrine,”

Paper, Transatlantic Divide Conference, University of Victoria, Canada, June 2004.

“Swallowed Indians and digestive dysfunctions: Neoliberal impacts across Central America,” Paper,

International Studies Association, annual convention, Montreal, March 2004.

“A Middle East identity crisis? State transformation in postwar Afghanistan and Iraq,” Paper, International

Studies Association, annual convention, Montreal, March 2004.

“North American sun rising in the south? Canada, Mexico, & immigration effects,” Munk Centre,

University of Toronto, March 2004.

“Rise and fall of G21: CAFTA, FTAA, and Cancún effects,”  Seminar on From Doha to Cancún: Lessons

for the South from the WTO Negotiations, sponsored by Centro de Investigacion Sobre América del Norte (CISAN) of Universidad Nacional Autónoma  de México (UNAM) and Facultad Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO), Mexico City, November 2003.

“Emperor in new clothes? US, CAFTA, and thereafter,”  Paper, Asociación de México de Estudios

Internacionales (AMEI), Huatulco, Mexico, October 2003.

“Shaking the world? Recent elections and their implications,” Paper, International Political Science

Association, Durban, South Africa, July 2003.

                “Rendezvous with destiny? Negotiations, IR theories, and Afghanistan,” Paper, International Studies

Association/Central and East European International Studies Association, Budapest, June 2003.

“Balancing a different world: Britain betwixt America and Europe,” European Union Studies Association ,

biennial conference, Nashville, Tennessee, March 2003.

“Back to the security future? 9/11 and the fate of regional economic integration,” Paper, International

Studies Association, annual convention, Portland, Oregon, February 2003.

“America, Europe, and the Britain in between: Disconnected priorities and paradigms,” Poster,

International Studies Association, annual convention, Portland, Oregon, February 2003.

“Everlasting imprint? Rules versus force in indigenous development,” Paper, Mexican Association of

Canadian Studies (AMEC), Monterrey, Mexico, February 2003; and also Indian Association of Canadian Studies, annual convention, Mysore, India, January 2003.

“From economic to security integration: Theoretical implications for Mexico-US relations” Paper, Mexican

Association of International Studies, annual convention, Chetumal, QR, Mexico, September 2002.

“Corporatism & confucianism, democracy & liberalism: Work ethic as a constraint,”  Paper, Latin

American Studies Association, Washington, DC, September 2001.

“Unrepresented communities: A case study of Mexico-US border-crossers,” American Political Science

Association, annual convention, sponsored by Committee on Viable Constitutionalism (COVICO),

San Francisco, August 2001.

“Still biting the dust? Latin indígena and transnationalism,”  Paper, The Robarts Centre for Canadian

Studies Summer Institute,  York University, Toronto, July 2001.

“A tiger by the tail or bull by the horns forever? Private capital flows and a different IMF discipline,”

Paper, Convention of International Studies, Hong Kong, July 2001.

“Bending or blending culture? Globalizing the countryside across Latin America,” Paper Convention of

International Studies, Hong Kong, July 2001.

                “Morgue, museum, or mainstream society: Latin indigenous groups and exit options under democracy,”

International Sociocybernetics Association, annual convention, Léon, Mexico, June 2001.

“Tail of two trading blocs: Mexico, Turkey, and the politics of inclusion,” Paper, Comparative

Interdisciplinary Studies Section of International Studies Association, 2nd Millennium Series Conference, Heidelburg, Germany, July 2001.

                “Similar features or different stripes? Mexico, Turkey, and the limits of regional integration,” Paper,

European Community Studies Association, International Conference, Madison, WI, May 31-June 2, 2001.

“Catching the flu from the Soviet cough? Cuba and North Korea after the Cold War,” Paper, International

Studies Association, annual convention, Chicago, February 2001.

“Parochial globalism? The rock of liberalism, the hard place of democratization, and the Mexico in

between,”  Paper presented in workshop on Democracy and Globalization, International Studies Association, annual convention, Chicago, February 2001.

“Things fall apart–II:” Poster invitation, International Studies Association, annual convention, Chicago,

February 2001.

“Genocide and the role of power politics: A case study, comparative observations, theoretical insights,”

Paper, Conference on A Century of Killing: Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing in the 20th Century, University of  South Dakota, Vermillion, South Dakota, October 2000.

“Mexico’s foreign policy options and external constraints,” Paper, Mexican International Studies

Association (AMEI), Monterrey, Mexico, October 2000.

“Streamlining the politics, sociology, and culture of democracy: Comparative insights from Latin

America,” Paper, Comparative Interdisciplinary Studies Section of International Studies Association, 2nd Millennium Series Conference, Washington, DC, August 2000.

“Globalization in the Middle East: A clash of cultures or culture of clashes,” Paper Comparative

Interdisciplinary Studies Section of International Studies Association, 2nd Millennium Series Conference, Washington, DC, August 2000.

“Power versus law in theoretical perspective: Comparing U.N. Chapter VII military intervention,” Paper,

International Studies Association, annual convention, March 2000, Los Angeles.

Fragmegration, glocalization, and chaord: Mexico’s post-Cold War trilemma,” Paper, International

Studies Association, annual convention, March 2000, Los Angeles. With Galia Rosemberg.

“Import substitution, export-led growth, and globalization: Latin and East Asian observations,” Paper,

Latin American Association for the Studies of Asia and Africa, October 1999, Zacatecas, Mexico.

“Divided we stand, united we fall? The United Nations, collective security, and the Cold War context,”

Paper, American Political Science Association, annual convention, September 1999, Atlanta.

“Waning waves and cultural shocks: A case study of democracy in transition,” Paper, International Studies

Association, annual convention, April 1999, Washington, DC.

“Westphalia in Europe as West-failure abroad? A comparative inquiry into the fate of the nation-state in

Africa, Asia, and Latin America,” Paper, International Studies Association, annual convention, March 1998, Minneapolis.

“Multilateralism from regionalism? Comparing West European and North American experiences,” Paper,

Mexican International Studies Association/International Studies Association, joint convention, December 1997, Manzanillo, Mexico.

“Settling disputes and supranationalism: A comparative study of trade and investment under N.A.F.T.A.,”

Paper, International Studies Association, annual convention, March 1997, Toronto. Coauthor: A. Borja.

“Trade, investment and public support: A comparative study of French policy in two industrial sectors,”

Paper, International Studies Association, annual convention, April 1996, San Diego. Coauthored

with Mark Aspinwall. Panel chair.

“Environmentalism, free trade, and regionalism in theoretical perspective: An unholy developmental

trinity?” Paper, Midwest Political Science Association, annual convention, April 1996, Chicago.

“Old wine in new bottle? The Summit of the Americas in theoretical perspective,” Paper,  Western Political

Science Association, annual convention, March 1996, San Francisco.

“A cross-cultural-national study of American and Mexican attitudes toward Proposition 187,” Paper,

Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics, 7th international conference, April 1995, Washington, D.C. Co-authored with Yueh-Ting Lee.

“National laws, N.A.F.T.A. panels, and multilateral provisions: Two-way traffic in North American dispute

settlement,” Paper, International Studies Association, annual convention, February 1995, Chicago.

Panel chair.

“Farm integration, dispute settlement, and multilateral principles: A case study of North America,” Paper,

International Studies Association, Northeast, annual convention, November 1994, Providence, R.I. Panel chair.

“Domestic pushes, global pulls, and regionalism: A case study of A.S.E.A.N.,”  Paper, American

Sociological  Association, annual convention, August 1994, Los Angeles. Roundtable.

“France, Germany, and farm integration: A case study of conflicting interests and changing leadership,”

Paper, International Studies Association, annual convention, March 1994, Washington, D.C. Panel chair.

“France, Germany, and leadership: A case study of Community farm integration,” Paper, Northeast

Political Science Association, annual convention, November 1993, Newark, N.J.

“U.S. trade policy and global competition: A case study of A.S.E.A.N.,”  Paper, Asian Studies on the

Pacific  Coast/International Studies Association-West, October 1993, Monterey, California.

“Domestic interests, Community directives, and the integrative imperative: A comparative study of farm                                     sectors in France and Germany,”  Paper, European Community Studies Association, May 1993,                                      Washington, D.C.

“Disputes and settlements in bilateral N. American farm trade: Implications for integration,” Paper,

International Studies Association, annual convention, March 1993, Acapulco, Mexico.

“The United States, N.A.F.T.A., and mixed messages,” Paper, Northeast Political Science Association,

annual convention, November 1992, Providence, R.I. Panel chair.

“The United States, Japan, and A.S.E.A.N. in a competitive global market,” Paper, International Studies

Association Northeast, annual convention, November 1992, Providence, R.I.

“Agricultural inputs and trade outcomes: An alternate explanation of the rise and decline of the G.A.T.T.,”

Paper, International Studies Association, annual convention, April 1992, Atlanta, Georgia.

“Domestic priorities and European imperatives: A comparative study of French and German agriculture,”                                    Paper, Western Political Science Association, annual convention, March 1992, San Francisco,


“Domestic priorities and European imperatives: A comparative study of French and German agriculture,”

Paper, Mid-west Political Science Association, annual convention, April 1992, Chicago, Illinois.

“Balancing national and regional interests: A comparative study of France and Germany in the European                                     Community,” Paper, Northeast Political Science Association, annual convention, November 1991,

Philadelphia, PA.

“The United States, G.A.T.T., and the Uruguay Round: Past dilemmas and future implications,” Paper,

International Studies Association, Northeast, annual convention, November 1991, Philadelphia.

“George Bush, superpower rivalry, and the 1990s;” Paper, & discussant, “Trade conflicts among

industrialized countries,” April 1990, International Studies Association, annual convention, Washington, D.C.

“Protectionist voting, structural liberalism, and tariff outcomes,” Paper, American Political Science

Association, annual convention, 1989, Atlanta, Georgia.

Citizenship: United States; Bangladesh.

Residency: Mexico

Languages: English (fluent in speech, writing, comprehension), Bangla (fluent in speech, writing,                 comprehension), Urdu/Hindi (fluent comprehension), French (fair comprehension), Spanish

(intermediate-level comprehension, speech, and writing).

Travel: Great Britain (with residence); India (with residence); Pakistan; Iran (with residence); Mexico (with

residence); the United States (with citizenship). Among others: Brazil, Cambodia, Canada, China, Egypt, France, Germany, Iran, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, The Netherlands, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, Turkey.

Board of Editors, Bangladesh Business (2014).

Newspaper columnist (2014- ), The Financial Express.

Newspaper correspondent on global affairs for 5 years (Bangladesh war, Iranian revolution).

Dhaka University: B.A., International Relations (1976: a 3-year degree)

Organized several panel discussions on ongoing global events for students at Philadelphia University

(unless otherwise indicated):

“Arab-Israel conflict at a watershed: Implications,” September 1993.

“N.A.F.T.A. and the world at large,” April 1993.

“Winds of change in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union,” April 1992.

“Modernization in developing countries,” November 1991.

“Foreign direct investment of corporations: Causes and consequences,” October 1991.

“European Community and 1992: Problems and prospects,” April 1991.

“G.A.T.T.: Origins, growth, and decline of trade,” April 1991.

“Middle-east conflict: The Israeli perspective,” March 1991.

“Persian Gulf war: Implications,” February 1991.

“Nicaraguan elections, 1990: Implications,” March 1990 (Ripon College).

Mentor, Model U.N. for high school students in the Philadelphia area, held annually, sponsored by the                                          World Affairs Council of Philadelphia (1985-86); in Universidad Iberoamericana (1999).

Resident Teacher, Pennsylvania Governor’s School of International Studies, held annually for promising                                     high school students selected competitively from across the state (1985): Focus was on India,

taught international trade, took students to Federal Reserve Bank in Philadelphia, the United Nations, and the Department of State, among other locations in Washington, DC.

President, Development and Administrative Studies Association, Ohio University (1981-82): Forum for

exchanging ideas between interested graduate students.


Education & Training

  • 1983-89

    Ph.D. (Political Science, 1989): International Relations; Comparative Politics; Modern European Studies; thesis title: U.S. Wool Bill of 1947: Politics of Compensation.

    University of Pennsylvania

  • 1983

    M.A. (History, 1983): Modern West Europe; United States

    Ohio University

  • 1982

    M.A. (International Affairs, 1982): Development Studies

    Ohio University

  • 1980

    B.A. (International Affairs, 1980): Graduation with honors

    Ohio University